Books | Journals | Supplement Data | Special Topics | Bulletins | Int. Conf. Proc. | Domestic Conf. Proc. | Patents |
D. Isobe: Unified Solution Scheme for Inverse Dynamics of Robotic Systems, Progress in Autonomous Robot Research (Editor: F.N. Mortensen), Nova Science Publishers, ISBN:978-1-60456-281-1, pp.125-173, 2008. NOVA
D. Isobe: A Torque Cancelling System for Quick-Motion Robots, Intelligent Mechatronics (Editor: Ganesh Naik), InTech, ISBN:978-953-307-300-2, pp. 21-40, 2011. Open Access
I. Takewaki, D. Isobe et al.: Redudancy and Robustness in Architectural and Structural Design, Applied Mechanics Series 12, Architectural Institute of Japan, ISBN:978-4-8189-0611-2, pp. 84-98, 2013.
D. Isobe (co-author),Report on the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster, Mechanical Engineering Volume, Chapter 4: Understanding Tsunami-causing Damage Mechanism of Machines and Structures Based on a Discipline of Mechanics, Joint Editorial Committee for the Report on the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster, Maruzen, ISBN:978-4-88898-232-0, 2013.
D. Isobe (co-author),(Editors: Y. Yagi and Y. Ohsawa), Mega Earthquake and Induced Complex Disasters, Chapter 6: Sumulating Collapse Behaviors of Buildings under Earthquakes, University of Tsukuba Press, ISBN:978-4-904074-38-1, 2015.
D. Isobe: Simulating Collapse Behaviors of Buildings and Motion Behaviors of Indoor Components During Earthquakes, Earthquakes - Tectonics, Hazard and Risk Mitigation (Editor: Taher Zouaghi), InTech, ISBN:978-953-51-2885-4, pp. 341-363, 2017. Open Access
D. Isobe: Progressive Collapse Analysis of Structures: Numerical Codes and Applications, Elsevier, eBook ISBN:9780128130421, Paperback ISBN:9780128129753, 2017. Elsevier
D. Isobe (co-author),Safety Evaluation for Civil Engineering Structures under Impact and Blast Loadings, Section 1, Chapter 14, On Progressive Collapse of Buildings Subjected under Accidental Loads, Structural Engineering Series 27, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Maruzen, ISBN:978-4-8106-0940-0, 2017.
D. Isobe and S. Tanaka: Damage Estimation of a Steel-Framed Building under Tsunami Flow Occurring after Earthquake, Earthquakes - Forecast, Prognosis and Earthquake Resistant Construction (Editor: Valentina Svalova), InTech, ISBN:978-1-78923-950-8, pp. 229-248, 2018. Open Access
D. Isobe (co-author),Concept and Treatment of Coupled and Contact Problems in Structural Engineering, AIJ, Maruzen, ISBN:978-4-8189-0655-6, 2020.
D. Isobe, Solving problems in structural dynamics using beam elements: From collapse behaviors of buildings to torque cancelling of robots, Maruzen, ISBN:978-4-621-30544-7, 2020. Maruzen Amazon
Y. Toi and D. Isobe: Static and Dynamic Finite Element Analysis of Transformation Toughening in Ceramic Materials, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol.42, No.6, (1992), pp.911-924. DOI:10.1016/0013-7944(92)90132-X
Y. Toi and D. Isobe: Adaptively Shifted Integration Technique in the Finite Element Collapse Analysis of Framed Structures, Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, Vol.171, (1992), pp.309-317, in Japanese. DOI: 10.2534/jjasnaoe1968.1992.309
Y. Toi and D. Isobe: Adaptively Shifted Integration Technique for Finite Element Collapse Analysis of Framed Structures, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol.36, (1993), pp.2323-2339. DOI: 10.1002/nme.1620361402
Y. Toi and D. Isobe: Finite Element Analysis of Buckling Collapse Behaviors of Framed Structures by Using Adaptively Shifted Integration Technique, Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, Vol.174, (1993), pp.469-477, in Japanese. DOI: 10.2534/jjasnaoe1968.1993.174_469
Y. Toi and D. Isobe: Finite Element Analysis of Dynamic Collapse Behaviors of Framed Structures by the Adaptively Shifted Integration Technique, Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, Vol.175, (1994), pp.299-306, in Japanese. DOI: 10.2534/jjasnaoe1968.1994.299
Y. Toi and D. Isobe: Finite Element Analysis of Quasi-Static and Dynamic Collapse Behaviors of Framed Structures by the Adaptively Shifted Integration Technique, Computers and Structures, Vol.58, No.5, (1996), pp.947-955. DOI: 10.1016/0045-7949(95)00195-M
D. Isobe and Y. Toi: Finite Element Analysis of Dynamic Collapse Behaviors of Brittle Framed Structures by the Adaptively Shifted Integration Technique, Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, Vol.180, (1996), pp.471-478, in Japanese. DOI: 10.2534/jjasnaoe1968.1996.180_471
D. Isobe and M. Morishita: Debris Impact Analysis of Large-Scale Space Structures by Using ASI-FEM, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series A, Vol.64, No.627, (1998), pp.2726-2733, in Japanese. DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.64.2726
D. Isobe and H. Nakagawa: A Parallel Control System for Continuous Architecture Using Finite Element Method, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol.9, No.12, (1998), pp.1038-1045. DOI: 10.1177/1045389X9800901209
D. Isobe and H. Nakagawa: Real-Time Parallel Control of Connected Piezoelectric Actuators by Using FEM, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series A, Vol.65, No.629, (1999), pp.120-126, in Japanese. DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.65.120
D. Isobe and H. Nakagawa: Real-Time Parallel Control of Connected Piezoelectric Actuators by Using FEM, JSME International Journal Series A, Vol.43, No.1, (2000), pp.19-25. DOI: 10.1299/jsmea.43.19
D. Isobe and Y. Toi: Analysis of Structurally Discontinuous Reinforced Concrete Building Frames Using the ASI Technique, Computers and Structures, Vol.76, No.4, (2000), pp.471-481. DOI: 10.1016/S0045-7949(99)00122-4
D. Isobe, H. Nakamura and R. Shimizu: Real-time FEM Control System for Connected Piezoelectric Actuators, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.12, No.2, (2000), pp.172-179. DOI: 10.20965/jrm.2000.p0172
D. Isobe, H. Nakamura and R. Shimizu: Development of Real Time FEM Control System of Connected Piezoelectric Actuators, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series A, Vol.66, No.645, (2000), pp.861-866, in Japanese. DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.66.861
D. Isobe, H. Takeuchi and T. Ueda: A Numerical Scheme for Calculating Joint Torque of Hyper-Redundant Manipulators -An Approach Using FEM-, Transactions of JSCES, Vol. 2000, p.20000008, (2000), in Japanese. DOI: 10.11421/jsces.2000.20000008
D. Isobe: Seismic Damage Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Building Considering Member Fracture, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Vol.11, Nos.1-3, (2000), pp.63-68. DOI: 10.1515/JMBM.2000.11.1-3.63
Y. Fujii, D. Isobe, S. Saito, H. Fujimoto and Y. Miki: A Method for Determining the Impact Force in Crash Testing, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol.14, No.6, (2000), pp.959-965. DOI: 10.1006/mssp.1999.1272
D. Isobe, Y. Fujii and S. Saito: Experimental and Analytical Estimation of Measured Dynamic Force Obtained by Air-Slide Type Impact Test System, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series A, Vol.67, No.657, (2001), pp.799-806, in Japanese. DOI: 10.1299/kikaia.67.799
D. Isobe and M. Tsuda: Development of Seismic Collapse Analysis Code for RC Framed Structures Using Finite Element Method, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.48B, (2002), pp.385-394, in Japanese. Online
D. Isobe: Deriving Inverse Dynamics for Link Mechanisms by Using Finite Element Method, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, Vol.20, No.6, (2002), pp.647-653, in Japanese. DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.20.647
D. Isobe and A. Kudo: Vibration Control of Thin Cylindrical Shell Using Piezoelectric Films (Derivation and Estimation on Optimal Length as Sensors/Actuators), Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.68, No.673, (2002), pp.2665-2672, in Japanese. DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.68.2665
D. Isobe, D. Imaizumi, Y. Chikugo and S. Sato: A Parallel Solution Scheme for Inverse Dynamics and Its Application in Feed-forward Control of Link Mechanisms, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.15, No.1, (2003), pp.1-7. DOI: 10.20965/jrm.2003.p0001
D. Isobe, D. Imaizumi and A. Yagi: A Parallel Solution Scheme for Inverse Dynamics of Link Mechanisms, JSME International Journal Series C, Vol.46, No.2, (2003), pp.766-771. DOI: 10.1299/jsmec.46.766
D. Isobe and M. Tsuda: Seismic Collapse Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Framed Structures Using the Finite Element Method, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol.32, No.13, (2003), pp.2027-2046. DOI: 10.1002/eqe.313
D. Isobe and Y. Ishii: Attitude Determination and Motion Planning of Robotic Architecture in View of Its Structural Strength, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, Vol.22, No.1, (2004), pp.75-82, in Japanese. DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.22.75
D. Isobe and D. Imaizumi: A Unified Solution Scheme for Calculating Inverse Dynamics Independent to Member Stiffness of Link Systems, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol.70, No.691, (2004), pp.728-735, in Japanese. DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.70.728
D. Isobe and K.M. Lynn: Structural Collapse Analysis of Steel Framed Structure due to Aircraft Collision, Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering, AIJ, No.579, (2004), pp.39-46, in Japanese. DOI: 10.3130/aijs.69.39_2
D. Isobe: A Unified Solution Scheme for Inverse Dynamics, Advanced Robotics, Vol.18, No.9, (2004), pp.859-880. DOI: 10.1163/1568553042225778
D. Isobe and K.M. Lynn: Aircraft Impact Analysis of World Trade Center Tower by Using ASI-Gauss Technique, Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering, AIJ, No.600, (2006), pp.83-88, in Japanese. DOI: 10.3130/aijs.71.83_1
D. Isobe and Y. Moriya: A Finite Element Scheme for Impact Force Prediction of Robotic Mechanisms, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.18, No.3, (2006), pp.340-346. DOI: 10.20965/jrm.2006.p0340
D. Isobe, A. Yagi and S. Sato: General-Purpose Expression of Structural Connectivity in the Parallel Solution Scheme and Its Application, JSME International Journal Series C, Vol.49, No.3, (2006), pp.789-798. DOI: 10.1299/jsmec.49.789
D. Isobe, M. Eguchi, K. Imanishi and Z. Sasaki: Development of Analytical and Experimental Systems for Blast Demolition of Framed Structures, Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering, AIJ, No.612, (2007), pp.73-78, in Japanese. DOI: 10.3130/aijs.72.73_1
K.M. Lynn and D. Isobe: Finite Element Code for Impact Collapse Problems of Framed Structures, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol.69, No.12, (2007), pp.2538-2563. DOI: 10.1002/nme.1858
D. Isobe and A. Komatsu: Motion Planning of Manipulators Regarding Structural Safety as a Prior Condition, Advanced Robotics, Vol.21, No.5, (2007), pp.533-554. DOI: 10.1163/156855307780108204
K.M. Lynn and D. Isobe: Structural Collapse Analysis of Framed Structures under Impact Loads using ASI-Gauss Finite Element Method, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol.34, No.9, (2007), pp.1500-1516. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2006.10.011
D. Isobe and A. Kato: Model-based Feed-forward Control of Flexible Link Systems, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, Vol.25, No.4, (2007), pp.625-631, in Japanese. DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.25.625
D. Isobe and A. Kato: Feedforward Control of Flexible Link Systems using Parallel Solution Scheme, International Journal of Robotics and Automation, Vol.23, No.1, (2008), pp.31-39. DOI: 10.2316/Journal.206.2008.1.206-3047
D. Isobe, Y. Matsui and K. Kondo: Development of a Torque Cancelling System Using Parallel Solution Scheme, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol. 77, No. 775, (2011), pp.785-798, in Japanese. DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.77.785
D. Isobe and Y. Kitamura: Dynamics Compensation of Underactuated Link Systems Using Parallel Solution Scheme, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol. 77, No. 775, (2011), pp.799-812, in Japanese. DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.77.799
M. Usui, K. Wakita, K. Kondo, L. T. T. Thanh, Y. Matsui and D. Isobe: Suppression of Thermal Deformation of the Large Deployable Reflector, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol. 77, No. 777, (2011), pp.2107-2119, in Japanese. DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.77.2107
D. Isobe and L. T. T. Thanh: Verification on Collapse Behaviors of High-Rise Buildings under Fire Using Numerical Approach, Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering, AIJ, Vol. 76, No. 667, (2011), pp.1659-1664, in Japanese. DOI: 10.3130/aijs.76.1659
T. Miyamura, M. Ohsaki, M. Kohiyama, D. Isobe, K. Onda, H. Akiba, M. Hori, K. Kajiwara and T. Ine: Large-Scale FE Analysis of Steel Building Frames Using E-Simulator, Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology, Vol. 2, (2011), pp.651-656. DOI: 10.15669/pnst.2.651
D. Isobe, L. T. T. Thanh and Z. Sasaki: Numerical Simulations on the Collapse Behaviors of High-Rise Towers, International Journal of Protective Structures, Vol. 3, No. 1, (2012), pp.1-19. DOI: 10.1260/2041-4196.3.1.1
D. Isobe, T. Ohta, T. Inoue and F. Matsueda: Seismic Pounding and Collapse Behavior of Neighboring Buildings with Different Natural Periods, Natural Science, Vol. 4, No. 8A, (2012), pp.686-693. DOI: 10.4236/ns.2012.428090
D. Isobe and Y. Yamaguchi: A Motion Planning Scheme to Avoid Structural Damage of Robotic Arms, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C, Vol. 78, No. 793, (2012), pp.3239-3254, in Japanese. DOI: 10.1299/kikaic.78.3239
D. Isobe, W.S. Han and T. Miyamura: Verification and Validation of a Seismic Response Analysis Code for Framed Structures using the ASI-Gauss Technique, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol.42, No.12, (2013), pp.1767-1784. DOI: 10.1002/eqe.2297
D. Isobe, B. Nakayama and K. Kondo: A Torque-Canceling System Using the Inverse Dynamics Parallel Solution Scheme, Advanced Robotics, Vol.28, No.2, (2014), pp.119-132. DOI: 10.1080/01691864.2013.857277
D. Isobe: An Analysis Code and a Planning Tool Based on a Key Element Index for Controlled Explosive Demolition, International Journal of High-Rise Buildings, Vol.3, No.4, (2014), pp.243-254. Online
M. Asai, T. Goda, K. Oguni, D. Isobe, K. Kashiyama and M. Ishiki: Evaluation of Tsunami Fluid Force Acted on Tsunami Refuge Building by Using a Stabilized ISPH, Journal of applied mechanics, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 70, No. 2, (2014), pp.649-658, in Japanese. DOI: 10.2208/jscejam.70.I_649
H. Ogino, T. Yamashita, M. Kaneko and D. Isobe: Development of a Finite Element Code to Simulate Behaviors of Furniture under Seismic Excitation, Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering, AIJ, Vol. 80, No. 717, (2015), pp.1687-1697, in Japanese. DOI: 10.3130/aijs.80.1687
D. Isobe, T. Yamashita, H. Tagawa, M. Kaneko, T. Takahashi and S. Motoyui: Motion Analysis of Furniture under Seismic Excitation using FEM, Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering, AIJ, Vol. 80, No. 718, (2015), pp.1891-1900, in Japanese. DOI: 10.3130/aijs.80.1891
K. Oi and D. Isobe: Collapse Risk Prediction of Buildings on Fire Using Key Element Index, Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering, AIJ, Vol. 82, No. 738, (2017), pp.1213-1220, in Japanese. DOI: 10.3130/aijs.82.1213
D. Isobe, T. Fujiwara, T. Yamashita, H. Tagawa and T. Sasaki: Collapse Simulation of Wide-Area Suspended Ceiling System Using Finite Element Method, Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering, AIJ, Vol. 82, No. 741, (2017), pp.1727-1736, in Japanese. DOI: 10.3130/aijs.82.1727
K. Higashi and D. Isobe: Development of Blast Demolition Planning Tool of Buildings based upon Key Element Index, Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering, AIJ, Vol. 83, No. 743, (2018), pp.59-67, in Japanese. DOI: 10.3130/aijs.83.59
D. Isobe, T. Yamashita, H. Tagawa, M. Kaneko, T. Takahashi and S. Motoyui: Motion Analysis of Furniture under Seismic Excitation using the Finite Element Method. Japan Architectural Review. Vol. 1, No. 1, (2018), pp.44–55. DOI: 10.1002/2475-8876.1015
K. Fukushima, S. Tanaka and D. Isobe: Basic Research for Coupling Analysis Method of Free Surface Flow Based on Interface-Capturing Method and Structure, Transactions of JSCES, Vol. 2018, No. 2, p.20182004, (2018), in Japanese. DOI: 10.11421/jsces.2018.20182004
T. Miura, K. Kobayashi, T. Yamashita, S. Tanaka and D. Isobe: Motion Analysis of Quake-Proof Furniture Placed in RC Building under Seismic Excitation, Transactions of JSCES, Vol. 2018, No. 2, p.20182005, (2018), in Japanese. DOI: 10.11421/jsces.2018.20182005
S. Tanaka and D. Isobe: Development of Finite Element Analysis Method for Damage Estimation of Tsunami Evacuation Building, Transactions of JSCES, Vol. 2018, No. 2, p.20182008, (2018), in Japanese. DOI: 10.11421/jsces.2018.20182008
K. Azuma and D. Isobe: Risk Prediction of Progressive Collapse Using Evaluation Index for Structural Strengths of Buildings, Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering, AIJ, Vol. 83, No. 744, (2018), pp.253-263, in Japanese. DOI: 10.3130/aijs.83.253
M. M. Javidan, H. Kang, D. Isobe and J. Kim: Computationally Efficient Framework for Probabilistic Collapse Analysis of Structures under Extreme Actions, Engineering Structures, Vol. 172, (2018), pp.440–452. DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2018.06.022
K. Kanano, T. Yamashita and D. Isobe: Numerical Simulation on Seismic Behavior of Mechanical Structure for Electronic Equipment with Bolted Joints, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 85, No. 875, (2019), p.19-00107 , in Japanese. DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.19-00107
M. Asai, K. Hara, D. Isobe and S. Tanaka: Estimation on Collapse Mechanism of Aso-Bridge during the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes using ASI-Gauss Code, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.66A, (2020), pp. 59-69, in Japanese. DOI: 10.11532/structcivil.66A.59
H. Omura, T. Yamashita and D. Isobe: Improvement of Suspended Ceiling Collapse Simulation and Numvericdal Investigation on the Collapse Mechanism, Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering, AIJ, Vol. 85, No. 773, (2020), pp.891-898, in Japanese. DOI: 10.3130/aijs.85.891
D. Isobe and S. Tanaka: Sequential Simulations of Steel Frame Buildings Under Multi-Phase Hazardous Loads During Earthquake and Tsunami, Frontiers in Built Environment, Vol. 7, No.669601, (2021). DOI: 10.3389/fbuil.2021.669601
H. Omura, N. Mitsume, M. Asai and D. Isobe: Development of Polygon Wall Boundary Model Considering Corners of Wall Domain and Application to ISPH Method, Transactions of JSCES, Vol. 2021, p.20210011, (2021), in Japanese. DOI: 10.11421/jsces.2021.20210011
H. Omura, T. Yamashita and D. Isobe: Effectiveness Evaluation of Earthquake-Resistant Measures by Using Suspended Ceiling Collapse Simulations based on ASI-Gauss Technique, Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering, AIJ, Vol. 86, No. 787, (2021), pp.1325-1334, in Japanese. DOI: 10.3130/aijs.86.1325
H. Ishii, M. Asai, H. Otani, K. Iiyama, H. Morikawa and D. Isobe: Simulation of Wooden House Collapse Prediction in a Whole City using the ASI-Gauss Code, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. A2, Vol. 77, No. 2, (2021), pp. I_563-I_573. DOI: 10.2208/jscejam.77.2_I_563
D. Isobe and T. Shibuya: Preliminary Numerical Study on the Reduction of Seismic Pounding Damage to Buildings with Expanded Polystyrene Blocks, Engineering Structures, Vol. 252, (2022), 113723. DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2021.113723
D. Isobe and R. Jiang: Explosive Demolition Planning of Building Structures using Key Element Index, Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 59, (2022), 104935. DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2022.104935
D. Isobe and K. Sato: Numerical Investigation on Mechanical Behavior of
Door Systems during Seismic Excitation, Journal of Building Engineering,
Vol. 68, (2023), 106129. DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2023.106129
D. Isobe and K. Itakura: Collapse Scale Estimation of a Steel-Framed Building
under Large-Scale Fire Spread Using Key Element Index, Engineering Structures,
Vol. 289, (2023), 116324. DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2023.116324
D. Isobe and Q. Yang: An integrated finite element analysis and virtual reality system for structural and indoor nonstructural components of buildings under seismic excitations, Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 98, (2024), 111320. DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2024.111320
D. Isobe, J. Zhu and J. Pardee: A Numerical Investigation on the Collapse
of the Champlain Towers South in Florida, International Journal of Structural
and Civil Engineering Research, Vol. 14, No. 1, (2025), pp. 1-9. DOI: 10.18178/IJSCER.2025.14.1.1-9
S. Tanaka and D. Isobe: Shape of flow surface and pressure distribution at front of Tsunami evacuation building obtained using Stabilized FEM, (2024). DOI: 10.60214/data.jsces.25131029
D. Isobe: A New Inverse Dynamics Computation Scheme for Open and Closed-Loop Link Mechanisms -Aiming Development of a Unified Scheme Independent on Dynamics-, Gazo Labo, Nippon Kogyo Shuppan, Vol. 12, No.8, (2001), pp.18-22, in Japanese.
D. Isobe: Aircraft Impact Simulation of the WTC Tower for Investigation on True Cause of the Total Collapse, Keisan Kogaku, JSCES, Vol. 12, No.2, (2007), pp.1551-1554, in Japanese.
D. Isobe: On True Cause of Collapse and Redundancy of the World Trade Center Towers, Summaries of Panel Discussion: Role of Redundancy and Robustness in Architectural and Structural Design, Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2008, (2008), pp.39-46, in Japanese.
D. Isobe: Impact Collapse Simulations on Buildings with Waterborne Debris Caused by Tsunamis, Forum on "How can Computational Mechanics Contribute in Disaster Prevention ?", the 24th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, (2011), pp.F-82-F-83, in Japanese.
D. Isobe: Unstable Deoformation in Buildings, Forum on "Unstable Deformation Problems in Structures and Solids", the 29th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, (2016), in Japanese.
D. Isobe, H. Ogino, T. Ohno, S. Tanaka: Investigation on Destruction Mechanisms
of Spatial Structures
D. Isobe: Theories and Applications of the ASI-Gauss Code - How to execute structural collapse analysis -, Invited lecture, the 5th Meeting of Research Committee on Hyper-Complex Disaster Simulation, JSCES, Univ. of Tsukuba, January 2017, in Japanese.
D. Isobe: Impact Problems in Architectural Structures, Invited lecture, the 147th Conference of Impact Division, the Society of Materials Science, Japan, Meijyo Univ., May 2017, in Japanese.
D. Isobe: On Progressive Collapse of Buildings Subjected under Accidental Loads, Workshop on Safety Evaluation for Civil Engineering Structures under Impact and Blast Loadings, JSCE, JSCE Hall, September 2017, in Japanese.
D. Isobe: Risk Evaluation for Progressive Collapse of Buildings, Workshop on Influence and Disaster Mitigation of Buildings under Impact Loads, AIJ, AIJ Hall, November 2017, in Japanese.
D. Isobe: A Finite Element Approach for Structural Collapse Analysis of Buildings, IACM Expressions No. 42, International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM), (2018), pp. 6-11. Article
D. Isobe:On Uncertainties Appear in Collapse Behaviors of Buildings, Joint Workshop of study groups on Hypercomplex Disaster Simulation and Modeling and Simulation Methods of Uncertainties, Tohoku University, December 2019, in Japanese.
D. Isobe: Research work undertaken in the Computational and Structural Mechanics Lab (Isobe Lab), Impact, Science Impact Ltd, Vol. 2020, No. 3, May 2020, pp. 51-53(3). DOI: 10.21820/23987073.2020.3.51 Publication
Y. Toi and D. Isobe: Adaptive Procedures in the Shifted Integration Techniques for Plastic Collapse Analysis of Framed Structures, Seisan-Kenkyu, Vol.44, No.3, (1992), pp.146-149, in Japanese. abstract
Y. Toi and D. Isobe: Buckling Collapse Analysis of Framed Structures by Using Adaptively Shifted Integration Technique, Seisan-Kenkyu, Vol.45, No.9, (1993), pp.662-665, in Japanese. abstract
Y. Toi and D. Isobe: Adaptively Shifted Integration Technique for Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Large-Scale Framed Structures, Bulletin of Earthquake Resistant Structure Research Center, No.27, (1994), pp.13-19. abstract
Y. Toi and D. Isobe: Earthquake Resistance Analysis of a Large-Scale Framed Structure by Using Adaptively Shifted Integration Technique, Seisan-Kenkyu, Vol.46, No.10, (1994), pp.505-508, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe and Y. Toi: Finite Element Analysis of Blast Demolition of Framed Structures by Using the ASI Technique, Bulletin of Earthquake Resistant Structure Research Center, No.28, (1995), pp.133-141. abstract
D. Isobe and Y. Toi: Finite Element Analysis of Explosive Demolition of Framed Structures by Using the ASI Technique -Part1 Theories-, Seisan-Kenkyu, Vol.48, No.5, (1996), pp.283-286, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe and Y. Toi: Finite Element Analysis of Explosive Demolition of Framed Structures by Using the ASI Technique -Part2 Numerical Examples-, Seisan-Kenkyu, Vol.48, No.5, (1996), pp.287-289, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe and Y. Toi: Finite Element Analysis of Seismic Damage Behaviors of Reinforced Concrete Buildings by Using the ASI Technique, Seisan-Kenkyu, Vol.48, No.11, (1996), pp.527-530, in Japanese. abstract
Plenary Lectures, Keynote Lectures
D. Isobe: Finite Element Analysis of Blast Demolition of Framed Structures by Using the ASI Technique, Invited talk in Workshop Abbruchsprengen, University of Karlsruhe, (2004), Karlsruhe, Germany.
D. Isobe and K. Kuroda: Numerical Simulation on Collapse Behaviors of CTV
Building Caused by
D. Isobe: A Finite Element Approach to Analyze Large-Scale Collapse Behaviors of Buildings and Motion Behaviors of Non-Structural Components, Semi Plenary Lecture, Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XII), (2016), Seoul, Korea. abstract
D. Isobe: Large-Scale Collapse Analyses of Buildings and Motion Analyses of Non-Structural Components within Them, Thematic Plenary Lecture, Abstracts of the International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2016), (2016), Berkeley, CA, USA. abstract
D. Isobe, K. Oi and K. Azuma: Risk Estimation for Progressive Collapse of Buildings, Keynote Lecture, 12th International Conference on Shock & Impact Loads on Structures (SILOS2017), 15-16 June 2017, Singapore. abstract
D. Isobe and S. Tanaka: Collapse Analysis of a Steel Frame Building under Tsunami Flow, Keynote Lecture, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Protection of Structures against Hazards (PSH2018), (2018), pp.29-31, Hanoi, Vietnam. abstract
D. Isobe and S. Tanaka: Damage Estimation of a Steel-Framed Building under Tsunami and Debris Flow, Keynote Lecture, Proceedings of the 7th Asia-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM2019), (2019), Taipei, Taiwan. abstract
D. Isobe: Solving problems in structural dynamics using beam elements: From collapse behaviors of buildings to torque cancelling of robots, Plenary Lecture, Abstracts of the 11th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2020), (2020), Virtual Conference. abstract
D. Isobe: Beam elements and their applications in various fields of structural dynamics, Plenary Lecture, the 28th International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences (ICCES2022), (2022), Virtual Conference. abstract
D. Isobe, M. Koyano, Q. Yang and M. Yan: FEA-VR System for In-Door Non-structural Components under Seismic Excitations, Keynote Lecture, 9th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN2023), (2023), Athens, Greece. abstract
D. Isobe and M. Yan: Finite Element Analysis of In-Door Non-Structural Components under Seismic Excitations, Invited Lecture, JSME-KSME Joint Symposium on Computational Mechanics & CAE 2023, (2023), Seoul, South Korea. abstract
D. Isobe:
International Conference Proceedings
Y. Toi and D. Isobe: Adaptively Shifted Integration Technique for Finite Element Collapse Analysis of Framed Structures, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Engineering Science (ICCES'92), (1992), Hong Kong.
Y. Toi and D. Isobe: Adaptively Shifted Integration Technique for Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Framed Structures, Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM3), (1994), Chiba, Japan, pp.1682-1683. abstract
D. Isobe: Seismic Damage Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Buildings with Fractures, Abstracts of the Second Euroconference and International Symposium on Material Instabilities in Deformation and Fracture, (1997), pp.23-24, Thessaloniki, Greece. abstract
D. Isobe and Y. Toi: ASI Finite Element Analysis of Dynamic Collapse Behaviors of Framed Structures Considering Member Fracture, CD-ROM Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM4), (1998), Buenos Aires, Argentina. abstract
D. Isobe and M. Morishita: Impact Analysis of Space Structure due to Collision with Hypervelocity Space Debris by Using ASI-FEM, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Engineering Science (ICCES'98) -Modeling and Simulation Based Engineering-, Vol.2, (1998), pp.1114-1119, Atlanta, USA. abstract
D. Isobe, H. Nakamura, R. Shimizu and H. Nakagawa: Development of Piezoelectric Actuator Control System Using FEM, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM'99), Vol.1, (1999), pp.863-868, Seoul, Korea. abstract
Y. Fujii, D. Isobe, S. Saito, H. Fujimoto and Y. Miki: A Method for Determining the Impact Force in Crash Testing, Proceedings of the 18th International Modal Analysis Conference, Vol.2, (2000), pp.1672-1677, San Antonio, USA. abstract
D. Isobe, H. Takeuchi and T. Ueda: A Finite-Element Approach to Control Link Mechanisms: Its Concept and Basic Simulation, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Engineering Science (ICCES2000) -Advances in Computational Engineering and Sciences-, Vol.2, (2000), pp.1648-1653, Los Angeles, USA. abstract
D. Isobe and M. Tsuda: Development of Seismic Damage Finite Element Code for Reinforced Concrete Framed Structures, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Engineering Science (ICCES'01), (2001), Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. abstract
D. Isobe: Deriving Inverse Dynamics of Open/Closed Loop Mechanisms: A Unified Approach Using Finite Element Method, Proceedings of the First Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM'01), (2001), Sydney, Australia. abstract
D. Isobe: A Unified Numerical Scheme for Calculating Inverse Dynamics of Open/Closed Link Mechanisms, Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON'01), (2001), pp.341-344, Denver, USA. abstract
D. Isobe: A Finite Element Scheme for Calculating Inverse Dynamics of Link Mechanisms, Abstracts of the 5th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM5), (2002), pp.II-658, Vienna, Austria. abstract
D. Isobe and M. Tsuda: Development of Seismic Damage Finite Element Code for Reinforced Concrete Framed Structures, CD-ROM Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM'02), (2002), Busan, Korea. abstract
D. Isobe and D. Imaizumi: A Parallel Solution Scheme of Inverse Dynamics for Flexible Manipulators, Proceedings of the 9th IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Applications (RA2003), (2003), pp.106-111, Salzburg, Austria. abstract
D. Isobe, Y. Chikugo, D. Imaizumi, S. Sato and A. Yagi: Feed-Forward Control of Link Mechanisms under Various Boundary Conditions by Using a Parallel Solution Scheme, Proceedings on 2003 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2003), (2003), pp.2773-2778, Las Vegas, USA. abstract
K.M. Lynn and D. Isobe: Structural Collapse Analysis of Framed Structures under Impact Loads Using ASI-Gauss Finite Element Method, Proceedings on 1st International Conference on Design and Analysis of Protective Structures against Impact/Impulsive/ShockLoads (DAPSIL2003), (2003), pp.371-387, Tokyo, Japan. abstract
D. Isobe and K.M. Lynn: A Finite Element Code for Structural Collapse Analyses of Framed Structures under Impact Loads, CD-ROM Proceedings on 4th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2004), (2004), Jyvaskyla, Finland. abstract
D. Isobe and S. Sato: Force Control of Link Systems Using the Parallel Solution Scheme, Proceedings of the 10th IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Applications (RA2004), (2004), pp.239-244, Hawaii, USA. abstract
D. Isobe and A. Yagi: General-Purpose Expression of Structural Connectivity in the Parallel Solution Scheme of Inverse Dynamics, Proceedings on 2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2004), (2004), pp.3513-3518, Sendai, Japan. abstract
D. Isobe: Finite Element Analysis of Blast Demolition of Framed Structures by Using the ASI Technique, Invited talk in Workshop Abbruchsprengen, University of Karlsruhe, (2004), Karlsruhe, Germany.
D. Isobe and K.M. Lynn: Aircraft Impact Analysis of New York World Trade Center Tower by Using the ASI-Gauss Technique, CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational and Experimental Engineering and Sciences (ICCES'05) -Advances in Computational and Experimental Engineering and Sciences-, (2005), pp.1212-1217, Chennai, India. abstract
D. Isobe, M. Eguchi, K. Imanishi and Z. Sasaki: Verification of Blast Demolition Problems Using Numerical and Experimental Approaches, Proceedings of the Joint International Conference on Computing and Decision Making in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE'06), (2006), pp.446-455, Montreal, Canada. abstract
D. Isobe, Z. Sasaki and K.M. Lynn: Full Model Analysis of Aircraft Impact Event at World Trade Center Using ASI-Gauss Technique, Abstracts of the 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM7), (2006), Los Angeles, USA. abstract
T. Ine, D. Isobe, N. Katahira and K. Kajiwara: Dynamic Collapse Analysis for Elasto-plastic Behaviors of the Steel Frame under Seismic Loads using ASI-Gauss Technique, Abstracts of the International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2007), (2007), Hiroshima, Japan. abstract
D. Isobe and N. Katahira: A Dynamic Finite Element Code for Analyzing Collapse Behaviors of Framed Structures under Seismic Loads, CD-ROM Proceedings of the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN2007), (2007), Crete, Greece. abstract
D. Isobe and Z. Sasaki: Aircraft Impact Analyses of the World Trade Center Towers, CD-ROM Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Performance, Protection, and Strengthening of Structures under Extreme Loading (PROTECT2007), (2007), Whistler, Canada. abstract
D. Isobe and Z. Sasaki: Aircraft Impact Simulation of the WTC tower for Investigation on True Cause of the Total Collapse, Proceedings of the 2nd Korea-Japan Workshop on Computational Engineering, (2007), pp.293-302, Seoul, Korea. abstract
D. Isobe and K. Yamanaka: Development of a Unified Feed-Forward Control System for Robotic Mechanisms using Finite Element Approach, CD-ROM Proceedings of APCOM'07-EPMESC XI, (2007), Kyoto, Japan. abstract
D. Isobe: An Adaptive Finite Element Code Using Linear Timoshenko Beam Elements and Its Applications, CD-ROM Proceedings of 6 th International Conference on Computation of Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS-IACM2008), (2008), Ithaca, New York USA. abstract
D. Isobe and T. Omuro: Fire-Induced Collapse Analyses of High-Rise Towers using ASI-Gauss technique, Abstracts of the 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM8), (2008), Venice, Italy. abstract
T. Sonoda, K. Ishii and D. Isobe: Dynamics Computation of Link Mechanisms Employing COG Jacobian, Proceedings of IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2008), (2008), Xi'an, China. abstract
T. Sonoda, K. Ishii and D. Isobe: Unified Dynamics Calculation employing COG Jacobian for Link Mechanisms, Proceedings of Joint 4th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 9th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS & ISIS 2008), (2008), Nagoya, Japan. abstract
D. Isobe: Numerical Simulations for Investigation on True Cause of the Total Collapse of the WTC Towers, Proceedings of International Symposium on Structures under Earthquake, Impact, and Blast Loading 2008 (IB'08), (2008), pp. 157-164, Osaka, Japan. abstract
N. Katahira, D. Isobe, T. Ine and K. Kajiwara: Development of Macro-Model Seismic Collapse Simulator for Framed Structures using ASI-Gauss Technique, CD-ROM Proceedings of the 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (14WCEE), (2008), Beijing, China. abstract
D. Isobe, K. Yamanaka and Y. Kitamura: Inverse Dynamics Calculation of Underactuated Link Systems Using Parallel Solution Scheme, Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON'08), (2008), pp.1632-1637, Orlando, Florida, USA. abstract
D. Isobe, H. Yokota and L. T. T. Thanh: Fire-Induced Progressive Collapse Analyses of High-Rise Towers, CD-ROM Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Performance, Protection, and Strengthening of Structures under Extreme Loading (PROTECT2009), (2009), Hayama, Japan. abstract
D. Isobe:An adaptive finite element code for impact and collapse analyses of buildings, Abstracts of the 2nd International Workshops on Advances in Computational Mechanics (IWACOM-II), (2010), Yokohama, Japan. abstract
D. Isobe: Structural Collapse Analyses of Buildings Using an Adaptive Finite Element Code, Abstracts of the 4th Korea-Japan COSEIK-JSCES Workshop on Computational Engineering, (2010), Fukuoka, Japan. abstract
D. Isobe, L. T. T. Thanh, T. Katsu and Y. Arakaki, Recent Applications of ASI-Gauss FE Code in Structural Collapse Problems of Large-Scale Framed Structures, Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 4th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM/APCOM2010), (2010), Sydney, Australia. abstract
L. T. T. Thanh and D. Isobe, Numerical Investigations on Effects of Structural Parameters in Fire-Induced Collapse Behaviors of High-Rise Buildings, Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 4th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM/APCOM2010), (2010), Sydney, Australia. abstract
D. Isobe, Y. Matsui and K. Kondo: A Torque Cancelling System Using the Parallel Solution Scheme, CD-ROM Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2011), (2011), pp.1064-1070, Shanghai, China. abstract
D. Isobe and L. T. T. Thanh: Effects of Outrigger Truss Systems on Collapse Initiation Times of High-Rise Towers Exposed to Fire, Applied Mechanics and Materials (Selected, peer reviewed papers of the 3rd International Workshop on Performance, Pretection and Strengthening of Structures under Extreme Loading (PROTECT2011)), (2011), Vol. 82, pp.344-349, Lugano, Switzerland. abstract
M. Kohiyama, T. Miyamura, D. Isobe, M. Ohsaki, K. Onda, M. Hori, H. Akiba, K. Kajiwara, and T. Ine: E-SIMULATOR VIRTUAL SHAKING-TABLE TEST: Comparative Study on Elastoplastic Dynamic Responses of Super-Highrise Steel Frame Between Virtual Shaking-Table Test Using E-Simulator and Beam Element Analysis, Proc. EUROSTEEL 2011, 6th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures, (2011), Vol. B, pp.1113-1118, Budapest, Hungary. abstract
D. Isobe, T. Ohta, T. Inoue and F. Matsueda: Seismic Pounding Analysis of Neighboring Buildings under Long-Period Ground Motion, Proceedings of International Symposium on Disaster Simulation and Structural Safety in the Next Generation 2011 (DS'11), (2011), pp.209-214, Kobe, Japan. abstract
D. Isobe and T. Katsu: Blast Demolition Planning Tool using Key Element Index, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Shock & Impact Loads on Structures (SILOS11), (2011), pp.395-401, Fukuoka, Japan. abstract
D. Isobe, Z.H. He, M. Kaneko and M. Hori: Motion Analysis of Furniture under Sine Wave Excitations, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management (ISRERM2012), (2012), pp.230-233, Yokohama, Japan.abstract
D. Isobe: A Collapse Analysis Code and Its Recent Applications, Abstracts of the 1st Spain - Japan Workshop on Computational Mechanics, (2012), Barcelona, Spain. abstract
D. Isobe, W.S. Han and T. Miyamura: A Seismic Collapse Analysis Code for Framed Structures using ASI-Gauss Technique, Abstracts of the 2nd International Conference on Computational Design in Engineering (CODE2012), (2012), Jeju, Korea. abstract
D. Isobe: A Collapse Analysis Code and Its Recent Applications, Abstracts of the 1st Spain - Japan Workshop on Computational Mechanics, (2012), Barcelona, Spain. abstract
T. Miyamura, M. Ohsaki, T. Yamashita, D. Isobe and M. Kohiyama: Dynamic Collapse Analysis of Four-Story Steel Frame Using E-Simulator, CD-ROM Proceedings of the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN2013), (2013), Kos, Greece. abstract
D. Isobe and Y. Ido: Numerical Investigation on the Collapse of the CTV
Building Caused by
D. Isobe, T. Ogino and R. Negishi: Numerical Studies on Planning and Analyzing Blast Demolition Behaviors of Buildings, USB Proceedings of APCOM & ISCM2013, (2013), Singapore. abstract
J. Gu, T. Yamashita, M. Kaneko and D. Isobe: Motion Analysis of Furniture using FEM, USB Proceedings of APCOM & ISCM2013, (2013), Singapore. abstract
K. Kuroda, Y. Dong and D. Isobe: Structural Collapse Analysis of a Steel Building Subjected under Seismic Excitation, Tsunami Force, and Debris Collision, USB Proceedings of APCOM & ISCM2013, (2013), Singapore. abstract
J. Suzuki, N. Yokemura and D. Isobe: Damage Estimation of Steel Frame Buildings under Fire Using Collapse Analysis, Extended Abstracts of the 1st International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems (COMPSAFE2014), (2014), pp. 436-439, Sendai, Japan. abstract
H. Tagawa, T. Yamamoto, T. Yamashita, K. Kajiwara and D. Isobe: Numerical Simulation of Suspended Ceiling Collapse using ASI-Gauss Technique, Extended Abstracts of the 1st International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems (COMPSAFE2014), (2014), pp. 456-459, Sendai, Japan. abstract
D. Isobe and K.Takatera: Estimation of Secured Distance between Neighboring
D. Isobe and Y.Q. Dong: Collapse Analysis of Buildings Subjected to Seismic Excitation, Tsunami, and Debris Collision, Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), (2014), Barcelona, Spain. abstract
H. Tagawa, T. Yamamoto, T. Yamashita, T. Sasaki and D. Isobe: Numerical Simulation of Ceiling Collapse in Full-Scale Gymnasium Specimen using ASI-Gauss Technique, Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), (2014), pp. 1398-1403, Barcelona, Spain. abstract
D. Isobe and Y.Q. Dong: Sequential Analysis of Steel Frame Building Subjected to Seismic Excitation, Tsunami, and Debris Collision, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems (FEF2015), (2015), Taipei, Taiwan. abstract
D. Isobe: Finite Element Analysis on Behaviors of Furniture and Ceiling during Seismic Excitation, the 3rd German-Japanese Workshop on Computational Mechanics, (2015), Munich, Germany. abstract
D. Isobe, T. Yamamoto, H. Tagawa, T. Yamashita and T. Sasaki: Finite Element Analysis of Ceiling Collapse during Seismic Excitation, the 1st Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics (PANACM 2015), (2015), Buenos Aires, Argentina. abstract
D. Isobe: Recent Applications of the ASI-Gauss Code on Structural Collapse and Motion Analysis, the 3rd International Workshops on Advances in Computational Mechanics (IWACOM-III), (2015), Tokyo, Japan. abstract
D. Isobe, M. Katagiri, T. Fujiwara and T. Miura: A Finite Element Approach
to Analyze Motion Behaviors of
T. Miura, T. Yamashita and D. Isobe: Finite Element Motion Analysis of Furniture under Seismic Excitation, Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XII), (2016), Seoul, Korea. abstract
K. Oi and D. Isobe: Risk Prediction of Collapse for Buildings under Fire
S. Tanaka, H. Ogino and D. Isobe: Development of Tsunami Analysis Method for Estimation of Damage of Evacuation Building by Tsunami Impacts, Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XII), (2016), Seoul, Korea. abstract
K. Kobayashi, T. Miura, T. Yamashita and D. Isobe: Seismic Motion Analysis
of Furniture Placed in a Reinforced Concrete Building
K. Fukushima, S. Tanaka and D. Isobe: Coupling Analysis of FEM for Free-Surface Fluids and Rigid Body, Abstracts of the 2nd International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems (COMPSAFE2017), (2017), Chengdu, China. abstract
D. Isobe, T. Fujiwara, T. Yamashita, H. Tagawa and T. Sasaki: Collapse Simulation of Wide-Area Suspended Ceiling System Using the ASI-Gauss Code, Abstracts of the 2nd International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems (COMPSAFE2017), (2017), Chengdu, China. abstract
K. Azuma and D. Isobe: Risk Estimation for Progressive Collapse of Buildings Using Key Element Index, Abstracts of the 2nd International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems (COMPSAFE2017), (2017), Chengdu, China. abstract
K. Higashi and D. Isobe: Study on Selection Schemes of Blasted Columns of Buildings to Improve Efficiency and to Secure Safety during Demolition, Abstracts of the 2nd International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems (COMPSAFE2017), (2017), Chengdu, China. abstract
T. Toyoshi, T. Yamashita, D. Isobe, K. Matsuzaki and H. Tomozawa: Development of Augmented Reality Experience System of Indoor Damage due to Earthquake, Proceedings of the 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XIII), (2018), New York, USA. abstract
D. Isobe and K. Azuma: Progressive Collapse Analysis of Buildings and Its Risk Estimation Using Key Element Index, Proceedings of the 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XIII), (2018), New York, USA. abstract
K. Maeda, T. Yamashita and D. Isobe: Motion Analysis of Earthquake-Resistant
and Non-Resistant Ceilings
H. Omura and D. Isobe: Collapse Analysis of Ceilings Suspended in Concert Halls, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Protection of Structures against Hazards (PSH2018), (2018), pp.459-468, Hanoi, Vietnam. abstract
K. Hara, M. Asai and D. Isobe: Verification on Collapse Process of Aso Bridge during the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes by ASI-Gauss Method, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Protection of Structures against Hazards (PSH2018), (2018), pp.285-292, Hanoi, Vietnam. abstract
D. Isobe, K. Kobayashi, K. Sato, K. Maeda and H. Omura: Numerical Studies on Seismic Motion Behaviors of Non-Structural Components in Buildings, Proceedings of the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN2019), (2019), Crete, Greece. abstract
K. Hara, M. Asai, D. Isobe and S. Tanaka: Wooden Houses Collapse Simulation during Earthquake and Tsunami at a City Level base on the ASI-Gauss Finite Element Method, Proceedings of the 7th Asia-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM2019), (2019), Taipei, Taiwan. abstract
H. Omura, T. Yamashita and D. Isobe: Numerical Analysis of Suspended Ceiling Collapse Using ASI-Gauss Technique, Proceedings of the 7th Asia-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM2019), (2019), Taipei, Taiwan. abstract
T. Takeda and D. Isobe: Structural Analysis of Super High-Rise Steel Building Frame with Buckling-Restrained Braces under Long-Duration Earthquake Motion, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems (COMPSAFE2020), (2020), Kobe, Japan, Virtual Conference. abstract
T. Shibuya and D. Isobe: Reduction Effect on Seismic Pounding Damage of Neighboring Buildings Using EPS Materials, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems (COMPSAFE2020), (2020), Kobe, Japan, Virtual Conference. abstract
S. Chiba and D. Isobe: Numerical Investigation on Differences in Behaviors of Suspended Ceilings during Earthquakes, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems (COMPSAFE2020), (2020), Kobe, Japan, Virtual Conference. abstract
S. Yoshimi and D. Isobe: Improvement of Contact Algorithm in Motion Analysis Code of Furniture under Seismic Excitation, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems (COMPSAFE2020), (2020), Kobe, Japan, Virtual Conference. abstract
T. Yamashita, D. Isobe, T. Miyamura and M. Ohsaki: Seismic Response Analyses of 10-Story RC Building and Installed Furniture, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems (COMPSAFE2020), (2020), Kobe, Japan, Virtual Conference. abstract
H. Ishii, M. Asai, D. Isobe and H. Otani: Seismic Response Analysis for the Whole Ccity with the ASI-Gauss Code to Estimate a City Level Damage, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems (COMPSAFE2020), (2020), Kobe, Japan, Virtual Conference. abstract
H. Omura, N. Mitsume, M. Asai and D. Isobe: ASI-ISPH Partitioned Coupling Analysis for Fluid-Structure Interaction, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems (COMPSAFE2020), (2020), Kobe, Japan, Virtual Conference. abstract
Y. Minamite, S. Tanaka and D. Isobe: A Study of Local Mass Conservation in 3D Flood Simulator, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems (COMPSAFE2020), (2020), Kobe, Japan, Virtual Conference. abstract
H. Omura, T. Yamashita and D. Isobe: Numerical Investigation on Collapse Mechanisms of Suspended Ceilings in Wide-Area Facilities, Proceedings of the 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XIV), (2021), Paris, France, Virtual Congress. abstract
H. Omura, N. Mitsume, M. Asai and D. Isobe: Development of a Polygon Wall Boundary Model Considering Corner of Wall and Its Numerical Application to FSI, Proceedings of the VII International Conference on Particle-Based Methods (PARTICLES 2021), (2021), Hamburg, Germany, Virtual Congress. abstract
D. Isobe and S. Chiba: Progressive Collapse Analysis of Heavily Loaded Pallet Rack Systems Subjected under Impact Loads, Proceedings of the 15th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XV), (2022), Yokohama, Japan, Virtual Congress. abstract
H. Omura, N. Mitsume, M. Asai and D. Isobe: Numerical Study on Damage of Tsunami Evacuation Building under Tidal Wave and Debris Impact, Proceedings of the 15th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XV), (2022), Yokohama, Japan, Virtual Congress. abstract
H. Omura, S. Ohinata, M. Asai and D. Isobe: Development of an Unresolved
CFD-Beam Coupling Model for Large Scale Tsunami-Houses Interaction Problem,
Proceedings of the 16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM
2024 / PANACM 2024), (2024), Vancouver, Canada. abstract
D. Isobe, J. Zhu and J. Pardee: A Numerical Investigation on the Collapse
of the Champlain Towers South in Florida, Proceedings of the 2024 12th
International Conference on Civil Engineering (ICCEN 2024), (2024), Singapore.
Domestic Conference Proceedings
Y. Toi and D. Isobe: A Numerical Approach against Transformation Toughening in Ceramics, Proceedings of Symposium on Computational Methods in Structural Engineering and Related Fields, Vol.15, (1991), pp.461-466, in Japanese. abstract
Y. Toi and D. Isobe: Finite Element Collapse Analysis of Framed Structures by the Adaptively Shifted Integration Technique, Proceedings of Symposium on Computational Methods in Structural Engineering and Related Fields, Vol.16, (1992), pp.309-314, in Japanese. abstract
Y. Toi and D. Isobe: Finite Element Analysis of Fracture Behaviors of Ceramic Materials Exhibiting Transformation Plasticity, Proceedings of the 35th JSASS/JSME Structures Conference, (1993), pp.268-271, in Japanese. abstract
Y. Toi and D. Isobe: Finite Element Analysis of Elasto-Plastic Buckling Problems of 1-d Structures by Using Adaptively Shifted Integration Technique, Proceedings of Symposium on Computational Methods in Structural Engineering and Related Fields, Vol.17, (1993), pp.339-344, in Japanese. abstract
Y. Toi and D. Isobe: Dynamic Collapse Analysis of Framed Structures by the Adaptively Shifted Integration Technique, Proceedings of Symposium on Computational Methods in Structural Engineering and Related Fields, Vol.18, (1994), pp.295-300, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe and Y. Toi: Blast Demolition Analysis of Framed Structures by the Finite Element Method with the ASI Technique, Proceedings of Symposium on Computational Methods in Structural Engineering and Related Fields, Vol.19, (1995), pp.13-18, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe and Y. Toi: Finite Element Analysis of Dynamic Collapse Problems of Brittle Framed Structures by Using the ASI Technique, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.1, No.2, (1996), pp.823-826, in Japanese. abstract
K. Harada, Y. Toi and D. Isobe: Application of the Finite Element Method Using the ASI Technique to Building Structures, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.1, No.2, (1996), pp.827-828, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe: Seismic Damage Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Building by Using the ASI Finite Element Method, Proceedings of the 74th JSME Fall Annual Meeting, No.96-15, Vol.1, (1996), pp.7-8, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe and Y. Toi: Finite Element Analysis of Explosive Demolition Behaviors of Reinforced Concrete Structures by the Adaptively Shifted Integration Technique, Proceedings of the 1996 Annual Meeting of JSME/MMD, No.95-10, Vol.A, (1996), pp.355-356, in Japanese. abstract
T. Fujii, D. Isobe and Y. Kuroda: Finite Element Super Parallel Actuators: FESPA -Its Concept and Basic Analysis-, Proceedings of the JSME Annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics '97, No.97-22, Vol.B, (1997), pp.873-874, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe: A Study on Piezoelectric Actuator Control by Using Finite Element Method, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.2, No.3, (1997), pp.1075-1078, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe: Static Positioning Control of Connected Piezoelectric Actuators by Using FEM, Proceedings of the Ibaraki District Conference JSME, (1997), pp.71-72, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe, M. Morishita: Collision Analysis of Framed Structures by Using ASI Finite Element Method, Proceedings of the Ibaraki District Conference JSME, (1997), pp.73-74, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe: A Study on New Control Method of Connected Piezoelectric Actuators, Proceedings of the 5th Motion and Vibration Control Symposium, No.97-31, (1997), pp.96-99, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe and M. Morishita: Hypervelocity Debris Collision Analysis of Space Structure by Using ASI Finite Element Method, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.3, No.3, (1998), pp.773-776, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe and H. Nakagawa: Static Open Loop Control of Connected Piezoelectric Actuators by Using FEM, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.3, No.2, (1998), pp.511-514, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe, R. Shimizu, H. Nakamura and H. Nakagawa: Real-Time Control of Connected Piezoelectric Actuators by Using Finite Element Method, CD-ROM Proceedings of the JSME Annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics '98, No.98-4, (1998), in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe and R. Shimizu: Quasi-Static Control of Piezoelectric Actuators Using FEM with Nonlinear Terms, Proceedings of the 76th JSME Fall Annual Meeting, No.98-3, Vol.2, (1998), pp.183-184, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe and H. Nakamura: Inverse Analysis of Bimorph Piezoelectric Actuators Using Generalized Inverse Matrix, Proceedings of the 76th JSME Fall Annual Meeting, No.98-3, Vol.2, (1998), pp.185-186, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe and R. Shimizu: Quasi-Static FEM Control of Piezoelectric Actuators Considering Creep and Residual Strain, Proceedings of the 11th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.98-2, (1998), pp.545-546, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe and Y. Toi: Seismic Damage Finite Element Analysis of Framed Structures Considering Member Fracture, Proceedings of the 10th Earthquake Engineering Symposium, Vol.2, (1998), pp.2541-2544. abstract
D. Isobe, R. Shimizu, H. Nakamura and Y. Sankai: FEM Optimum Control System of Connected Piezoelectric Actuators, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.4, No.2, (1999), pp.913-916, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe, H. Takeuchi and T. Ueda: Parallel Control Method for Manipulators by Using FEM, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.4, No.2, (1999), pp.917-920, in Japanese. abstract
T. Sato, T. Ogahara, Y. Sankai and D. Isobe: Distributed Controller for Piezoelectric Actuator and A Basic Experiment in The Artificial Heart Field, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.4, No.2, (1999), pp.921-924, in Japanese.
D. Isobe, H. Nakamura and R. Shimizu: Development of Real-Time FEM Control System of Connected Piezoelectric Actuators, CD-ROM Proceedings of the JSME Annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics '99, No.99-9, (1999), in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe, H. Takeuchi and T. Ueda: Control of Link Mechanism by Using FEM, CD-ROM Proceedings of the JSME Annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics '99, No.99-9, (1999), in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe, R. Shimizu and H. Nakamura: Development of Quasi-Static FEM Control System of Connected Piezoelectric Actuators, Proceedings of the 12th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.99-5, (1999), pp.307-308, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe, H. Takeuchi and T. Ueda: Finite Element Modeling of Link Mechanisms (Part1, Application to Hyper-Redundant Manipulators), CD-ROM Proceedings of the JSME Annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics '00, No.00-2, (2000), in Japanese. abstract
T. Ogahara, D. Isobe and A. Kudo: Analytical Estimation on Attached Position of Piezoelectric Films in Plate Vibration Control, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.5, No.2, (2000), pp.583-586, in Japanese. abstract
Y. Fujii, D. Isobe and S. Saito: Proposal for A Crash Testing Method Using Inertial Mass, Proceedings of the JSME 2000 Annual Meeting, No.00-1, Vol.1, (2000), pp.109-110, in Japanese. abstract
M. Tsuda and D. Isobe: Development of Seismic Collapse Analytical Scheme for RC Space Framed Structures Using Finite Element Method, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.6, No.2, (2001), pp.463-466, in Japanese. abstract
A. Kudo and D. Isobe: Estimation on Vibration Control of Thin Cylindrical Shell Using Piezoelectric Films, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.6, No.2, (2001), pp.707-710, in Japanese. abstract
D. Imaizumi and D. Isobe: Calculation of Inverse Dynamics Using FEM for Open-Loop Link Mechanisms in 3-D Motion, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.6, No.2, (2001), pp.799-802, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe: Calculation of Inverse Dynamics for Closed-Loop Link Mechanisms Using FEM, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.6, No.2, (2001), pp.803-806, in Japanese. abstract
Y. Ishii and D. Isobe: Attitude Determination for Restraining Strain Energy in Truss-Type Robotic Architecture, CD-ROM Proceedings of the JSME Annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics '01, No.01-4, (2001), in Japanese. abstract
K. Kozawa and D. Isobe: Shock Absorbing Analysis of Actively Transforming Architecture by Using Finite Element Method, CD-ROM Proceedings of the JSME Annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics '01, No.01-4, (2001), in Japanese. abstract
D. Imaizumi and D. Isobe: Finite Element Modeling of Link Mechanisms (Part 2, Application to Open-Loop Link Mechanisms in 3-D Motion), CD-ROM Proceedings of the JSME Annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics '01, No.01-4, (2001), in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe: Finite Element Modeling of Link Mechanisms (Part 3, Application to Closed-Loop Link Mechanisms), CD-ROM Proceedings of the JSME Annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics '01, No.01-4, (2001), in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe: A Calculation Scheme of Inverse Dynamics Independent to System Configuration, CD-ROM Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan 2001, (2001), pp.895-896, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe, T. Kanakubo, T. Furuta and H. Matsuoka: Semi-Active Vibration Control Analysis of RC Framed Structures by Finite Element Code Using ASI Technique, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2001 B-1, (2001), pp.267-268, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe and K. Kozawa: Prediction of Impulsive Force in Walking Operation of Robotic Architecture by Using Finite Element Method, Proceedings of the 7th Robotics Symposia, (2002), pp.197-202, in Japanese. abstract
Y. Ishii and D. Isobe: Attitude Determination and Motion Planning of Robotic Architecture for Restraining Strain Energy, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.7, No.2, (2002), pp.771-774, in Japanese. abstract
N. Hirota and D. Isobe: Prediction of Impact Force Produced in Robotic Mechanisms by Using FEM, CD-ROM Proceedings of the JSME Annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics '02, No.02-6, (2002), in Japanese. abstract
Y. Ishii and D. Isobe: Motion Planning of Manipulators for Restraining Strain Energy, CD-ROM Proceedings of the JSME Annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics '02, No.02-6, (2002), in Japanese. abstract
A. Yagi and D. Isobe: Calculating Inverse Dynamics for Closed-Loop Link Mechanisms by Using FEM (Verification of Energy Consumption Level in the System), CD-ROM Proceedings of the JSME Annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics '02, No.02-6, (2002), in Japanese. abstract
Y. Chikugo, S. Sato and D. Isobe: Control Experiments of Link Mechanisms Using Inverse Dynamics Calculated by FEM, CD-ROM Proceedings of the JSME Annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics '02, No.02-6, (2002), in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe, D. Imaizumi, Y. Chikugo and S. Sato: FF Control of Link Mechanisms by Parallel Solution Scheme of Inverse Dynamics, CD-ROM Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan 2002, (2002), in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe and Y. Ishii: Attitude Determination and Motion Planning of Mechanisms with Structural Safety as Priority -Proposal of Feeble Robotics-, Proceedings of the 8th Robotics Symposia, (2003), pp.533-538, in Japanese. abstract
D. Imaizumi and D. Isobe: Calculating Kinematics and Inverse Dynamics of Flexible Manipulators by Using Finite Element Method, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.8, No.1, (2003), pp.489-492, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe and D. Imaizumi: Calculating Inverse Dynamics for Flexible Manipulators by Using a Parallel Solution Scheme, CD-ROM Proceedings of the JSME Annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics '03, No.03-4, (2003), in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe, Y. Chikugo, D. Imaizumi and S. Sato: Feed-Forward Control of Continuously Transforming Link Systems by Using a Parallel Solution Scheme, CD-ROM Proceedings of the JSME Annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics '03, No.03-4, (2003), in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe, D. Imaizumi and Y. Chikugo: Development of a Parallel Solution Scheme of Inverse Dynamics for Link Mechanisms (Aiming Construction of a Unified Scheme), Proceedings of the Mechanical Engineering Congress, 2003 JSME, No.03-1, Vol.1, (2003), pp.37-38, in Japanese. abstract
K.M. Lynn and D. Isobe: Structural Collapse Analysis of Framed Structures under Impact Loads Using ASI-Gauss Finite Element Method, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2003 B-1, (2003), pp.333-334, in Japanese. abstract
Y. Moriya, N. Hirota and D. Isobe: Impact analysis of a manipulator using FEM, CD-ROM Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan 2003, (2003), in Japanese. abstract
A. Yagi and D. Isobe: Calculating Inverse Dynamics for Multi-branch Link Systems by a Parallel Solution Scheme, CD-ROM Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan 2003, (2003), in Japanese. abstract
S. Sato and D. Isobe: Force Control of Link Systems by Using a Parallel Solution Scheme, CD-ROM Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan 2003, (2003), in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe and K.M. Lynn: Structural Collapse Analysis of Framed Structures under Impact Loads, Proceedings of the 16th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.03-26, (2003), pp.823-824, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe, S. Sato and A. Yagi: Development of Inverse Dynamics Solution Scheme for Purpose of General Use, Proceedings of the 9th Robotics Symposia, (2004), pp.51-57, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe and K.M. Lynn: On Member-Fracture and Contact Asgorithms for ASI-Gauss Finite Element Method, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.9, No.1, (2004), pp.359-362, in Japanese. abstract
A. Kato and D. Isobe: Calculating Trajectories for Flexible Manipulators by Using Finite Element Method, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.9, No.2, (2004), pp.733-736, in Japanese. abstract
A. Komatsu and D. Isobe: Motion Planning of Manipulators Using Structural Parameters, CD-ROM Proceedings of the JSME Annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics '04, No.04-4, (2004), in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe, N. Hirota, Y. Moriya and N. Yamane: Impact-Force Prediction for Manipulators by Using Numerical Methods, CD-ROM Proceedings of the JSME Annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics '04, No.04-4, (2004), in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe and K.M. Lynn: On Member-Fracture and Contact Expressions for ASI-Gauss Impact Collapse Analysis Code, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2004 B-1, (2004), pp.345-346, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe and N. Hirota: Impact-Force Prediction for Manipulators by Using Numerical Models, Proceedings of the Mechanical Engineering Congress Vol.1, No.04-1, (2004), pp.1-2, in Japanese. abstract
Y. Moriya and D. Isobe: Impact Force Identification of Link Mechanisms by Using Numerical Models, CD-ROM Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan 2004, (2004), in Japanese. abstract
A. Komatsu and D. Isobe: Motion Planning of Manipulators Considering Its Structural Risk, CD-ROM Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan 2004, (2004), in Japanese. abstract
A. Kato and D. Isobe: Calculating Inverse Dynamics of Flexible Manipulators by Using Parallel Solution Scheme, CD-ROM Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan 2004, (2004), in Japanese. abstract
K. Shimizu and D. Isobe: Collapse Analysis of Framed Structures Considering Strength Reduction Caused By Fire, Proceedings of the 17th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.04-40, (2004), pp.501-502, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe: Application of Parallel Solution Scheme Towards Hyper Multi-Freedom System Control, Proceedings of the 5th Annual Conference of the SICE System Integration Division (SI2004), (2004), pp.432-433, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe and K.M. Lynn: Aircraft Impact Analysis of New York World Trade Center Tower 2, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.10, No.2, (2005), pp.571-574, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe and K.M. Lynn: Aircraft Impact Analysis of World Trade Center Tower by Using ASI-Gauss Technique, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2005 B-1, (2005), pp.327-328, in Japanese. abstract
K. Imanishi and D. Isobe: Progressive Collapse Analyses of Framed Structures by Using ASI-Gauss Technique, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2005 B-1, (2005), pp.329-330, in Japanese. abstract
M. Eguchi and D. Isobe: Blast Demolition Analyses of Framed Structures by Using ASI-Gauss Technique, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2005 B-1, (2005), pp.331-332, in Japanese. abstract
A. Komatsu and D. Isobe: Motion Planning of Manipulators Considering Its Structural Risk, CD-ROM Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan 2005, (2005), in Japanese.abstract
A. Kato and D. Isobe: Calculating Inverse Dynamics of Flexible Manipulators by Using Parallel Solution Scheme, CD-ROM Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan 2005, (2005), in Japanese. abstract
K. Imanishi and D. Isobe: Progressive Collapse Analyses of Framed Structures by Using ASI-Gauss Technique, Proceedings of the 18th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.05-2, (2005), pp.325-326, in Japanese. abstract
M. Eguchi and D. Isobe: Blast Demolition Analysis of Framed Structures and Development of Demolition Experimental System, Proceedings of the 18th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.05-2, (2005), pp.327-328, in Japanese. abstract
A. Komatsu and D. Isobe: Motion Planning of Manipulators for Avoiding Structural Failure by Using Structural Parameters, Proceedings of the 18th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.05-2, (2005), pp.711-712, in Japanese. abstract
A. Kato and D. Isobe: Feed-Forward Control of Flexible Manipulators by Using Parallel Solution Scheme, Proceedings of the 18th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.05-2, (2005), pp.717-718, in Japanese. abstract
A. Kato and D. Isobe: Control of Multi-Joint Flexible Link System Using Parallel Solution Scheme of Inverse Dynamics, CD-ROM Proceedings of the JSME Annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics '06, No.06-4, (2006), in Japanese. abstract
A. Komatsu and D. Isobe: Motion Planning of Robotic Arms with Structural Safety as Priority, CD-ROM Proceedings of the JSME Annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics '06, No.06-4, (2006), in Japanese. abstract
Z. Sasaki and D. Isobe: Full Model Impact Analysis of WTC2 due to Aircraft Collision, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2006 B-1, (2006), pp.269-270, in Japanese. abstract
T. Omuro and D. Isobe: Collapse Analysis of Framed Structures Considering Strength Reduction Caused By Fire, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2006 B-1, (2006), pp.271-272, in Japanese. abstract
K. Imanishi and D. Isobe: Progressive Collapse Analyses of Framed Structures Considering Member Joint Factor, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2006 B-1, (2006), pp.273-274, in Japanese. abstract
M. Eguchi and D. Isobe: Development of Analytical and Experimental Systems for Blast Demolition of Framed Structures, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2006 B-1, (2006), pp.275-276, in Japanese. abstract
K. Yamanaka, A. Kato and D. Isobe: Model-based feed-forward control of flexible link systems, Proceedings of the 19th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.06-9, (2006), pp.235-236, in Japanese. abstract
M. Eguchi and D. Isobe: Quantitative Verification on Blast Demolition Process of Framed Structure, Proceedings of the 19th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.06-9, (2006), pp.247-248, in Japanese. abstract
Z. Sasaki and D. Isobe: Dynamic Behavior Analysis of High Rise Building due to Aircraft Collision, Proceedings of the 19th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.06-9, (2006), pp.249-250, in Japanese. abstract
T. Omuro and D. Isobe: On Fire-induced Collapse Behavior of Buildings, Proceedings of the 19th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.06-9, (2006), pp.251-252, in Japanese. abstract
K. Imanishi and D. Isobe: Effect of Member Joint Strength in Progressive Collapse Phenomenon, Proceedings of the 19th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.06-9, (2006), pp.253-254, in Japanese. abstract
T. Ine, D. Isobe, N. Katahira and K. Kajiwara: Dynamic Collapse Analysis for Elasto-Plastic Behaviors of the Steel Frame under Seismic Loads using ASI-Gauss Technique, Part 1: Development of Dynamic Collapse Analysis Code, Proceedings of the 77th Architectural Research Meetings, Kanto Chapter AIJ, (2007), pp.165-168, in Japanese. abstract
K. Yamanaka, H, Ueda and D. Isobe: Feed-Forward Control of a Robotic Mechanism Using Parallel Solution Scheme, CD-ROM Proceedings of the JSME Annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics '07, No.07-2, (2007), in Japanese. abstract
T. Ine, D. Isobe, N. Katahira and K. Kajiwara: Dynamic collapse analysis for the steel framed structures using ASI-Gauss technique, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.12, No.1, (2007), pp.387-390, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe and Z. Sasaki: Aircraft Impact Simulation of the WTC tower for Investigation on True Cause of the Total Collapse, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.12, No.1, (2007), pp.399-400, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe: On Dynamic Behavior of World Trade Center Tower during Aircraft Impact, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2007 B-1, (2007), pp.253-254, in Japanese. abstract
T. Ine, D. Isobe, N. Katahira and K. Kajiwara: Seismic Collapse Analysis of the Steel Framed Structure using ASI-Gauss Technique, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2007 B-1, (2007), pp.257-258, in Japanese. abstract
N. Katahira, D. Isobe, T. Ine and K. Kajiwara: Seismic Collapse Analysis of Large Framed Structure using ASI-Gauss Technique, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2007 B-1, (2007), pp.259-260, in Japanese. abstract
T. Omuro and D. Isobe: Influence of Earthquakeproof Structural Strength on Fire-Induced Collapse Behavior of Buildings, Proceedings of the 20th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.07-36, (2007), pp.295-296, in Japanese. abstract
N. Katahira, D. Isobe, T. Ine and K. Kajiwara: Development of Seismic Collapse Analysis System using ASI-Gauss technique -Verification of Analytical Code-, Proceedings of the 20th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.07-36, (2007), pp.343-344, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe and T. Omuro: Fire-Induced Collapse Analysis of Framed Structures Using ASI-Gauss Technique, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.13, No.1, (2008), pp.129-130, in Japanese. abstract
Y. Kitamura, K. Yamanaka and D. Isobe: Inverse Dynamics Calculation of Underactuated Link Systems Using Parallel Solution Scheme, CD-ROM Proceedings of the JSME Annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics '08, No.08-4, (2008), in Japanese. abstract
T. Sonoda, K. Ishii and D. Isobe: Inverse Dynamics Calculation for Closed Link Mechanisms Employing COG Jacobian, CD-ROM Proceedings of the JSME Annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics '08, No.08-4, (2008), in Japanese. abstract
N. Katahira, D. Isobe, T. Ine and K. Kajiwara: Development of Seismic Collapse Analysis Code for Framed Structures under Three-Dimensional Excitation, Proceedings of the 57th National Congress of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics, (2008), pp.241-242, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe: Investigation on the Cause of Total Collapse of WTC Towers using ASI-Gauss Dynamic Collapse Analysis Code, Proceedings of the 57th National Congress of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics, (2008), pp.247-248, in Japanese. abstract
Y. Kitamura and D. Isobe: Inverse Dynamics Calculation of Underactuated Link Systems Considering Elastic Deformations, CD-ROM Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan 2008, (2008), in Japanese. abstract
H. Ueda and D. Isobe: Feed-Forward Control of Structure-Varying Multi-Armed Manipulator, CD-ROM Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan 2008, (2008), in Japanese. abstract
T. Sonoda, K. Ishii and D. Isobe: Dynamics Calculation of Link Mechanisms Employing COG Jacobian, CD-ROM Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan 2008, (2008), in Japanese. abstract
T. Hisanaga and D. Isobe: Study on Fracture and Contact Algorithms for Impact Collapse Analysis Code using ASI-Gauss Technique, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2008 B-1, (2008), pp.391-392, in Japanese. abstract
H. Yokota and D. Isobe: Progressive Collapse Analyses of Framed Structures Considering Elevated Temperature due to Fire, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2008 B-1, (2008), pp.393-394, in Japanese. abstract
N. Katahira, D. Isobe, T. Ine and K. Kajiwara: Seismic Collapse Analysis of Large Framed Structure under Three-Dimensional Excitation, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2008 B-1, (2008), pp.395-396, in Japanese. abstract
T. Hisanaga and D. Isobe: Verification of Contact Algorithm for Impact Collapse Analysis, Proceedings of the 21th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.08-33, (2008), pp.59-60, in Japanese. abstract
H. Yokota and D. Isobe: Fire-Induced Collapse Analysis of Miniature WTC Models using ASI-Gauss Technique, Proceedings of the 21th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.08-33, (2008), pp.61-62, in Japanese. abstract
N. Katahira, D. Isobe, T. Ine and K. Kajiwara: Verification of Macro-Model Seismic Collapse Analysis Code for Framed Structures, Proceedings of the 21th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.08-33, (2008), pp.63-64, in Japanese. abstract
L. T. T. Thanh and D. Isobe: Fire-Induced Collapse Analysis of Buildings with Eartuquake-Resistant Design, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.14, No.1, (2009), pp.329-332, in Japanese. abstract
M. Ohsaki, T. Miyamura, M. Kohiyama, D. Isobe, H. Akiba, M. Hori, K. Kajiwara and T. Ine: High-Precision Finite Element Analysis of Elastoplastic Seismic Responses of Steel Building Frames, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.14, No.2, (2009), pp.829-832, in Japanese. abstract
H. Ueda and D. Isobe: Development of General-Purpose Feed-Forward Control System for Link Systems, CD-ROM Proceedings of the JSME Annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics '09, No.09-4, (2009), in Japanese. abstract
J. Hayakawa and D. Isobe: Feed-Forward Control of Mobile Robot Using Parallel Solution Scheme, CD-ROM Proceedings of the JSME Annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics '09, No.09-4, (2009), in Japanese. abstract
Y. Matsui and D. Isobe: Proposal of Torque Cancelling System for Stabilizing Mechanical Sway, CD-ROM Proceedings of the JSME Annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics '09, No.09-4, (2009), in Japanese. abstract
L. T. T. Thanh and D. Isobe: Effect of Outrigger System on Fire-Induced CollapseBehaviors of High-Rise Buildings, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2009 B-1, (2009), pp.275-276, in Japanese. abstract
T. Miyamura, M. Ohsaki, M. Kohiyama, D. Isobe, H. Akiba, M. Hori, K. Kajiwara and T. Ine: Virtual Shaking-Table Test of Super-Highrise Steel Frame and 4-Story Steel Frame Using Prototype of E-Simulator, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2009 B-1, (2009), pp.399-400, in Japanese. abstract
Y. Kitamura and D. Isobe: Feed-Forward Control of Two-Joint Underactuated Link System Using Parallel Solution Scheme, CD-ROM Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan 2009, (2009), in Japanese. abstract
T. Hisanaga and D. Isobe: A Numerical Research on Redundancy of the World Trade Center Towers, Proceedings of the 22th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.09-21, (2009), pp.149-150, in Japanese. abstract
L. T. T. Thanh and D. Isobe: Influence of Outrigger Truss System on Fire-Induced Collapse Behavior of High-Rise Buildings, Proceedings of the 22th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.09-21, (2009), pp.151-152, in Japanese. abstract
T. Katsu and D. Isobe: Development of Blast Demolition Planning System for High-Rise Buildings, Proceedings of the 22th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.09-21, (2009), pp.153-154, in Japanese. abstract
T. Miyamura, M. Ohsaki, M. Kohiyama, K. Onda, D. Isobe, H. Akiba, M. Hori, K. Kajiwara and T. Ine: High-Precision Finite Element Analysis of 4-Story Steel Frame Discretized by Solid Elements, Proceedings of the 22th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.09-21, (2009), pp.218-219, in Japanese. abstract
Y. Matsui, K. Kondo and D. Isobe: Proposal of Torque Cancelling System Using Parallel Solution Scheme, Proceedings of the 15th Robotics Symposia, (2010), pp.226-231, in Japanese. abstract
M. Ohsaki, T. Miyamura, M. Kohiyama, K. Onda, D. Isobe, H. Akiba, M. Hori, K. Kajiwara and T. Ine: High-Precision Finite Element Analysis of Steel Building Frames, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.15, No.1, (2010), pp.437-438, in Japanese. abstract
E. Onda, T. Hisanaga and D. Isobe: Analytical Verification on Redundancy of the World Trade Center Towers, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.15, No.2, (2010), pp.1007-1010, in Japanese. abstract
Y. Arakaki, T. Hisanaga, T. Katsu, L. T. T. Thanh and D. Isobe: Impact and Collapse Analysis of Neighboring Buildings Subjected Under Long-Period Seismic Excitation, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.15, No.2, (2010), pp.1011-1014, in Japanese. abstract
L. T. T. Thanh and D. Isobe: Investigation on Fire-Induced Collapse Initiation Times of High-Rise Buildings with Outrigger Truss Systems, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2010 B-1, (2010), pp.285-286, in Japanese. abstract
T. Katsu and D. Isobe: Specification of Key Elements for Blast Demolition Planning, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2010 B-1, (2010), pp.287-288, in Japanese. abstract
T. Miyamura, D. Isobe, M. Kohiyama, M. Ohsaki, H. Akiba, M. Hori, K. Kajiwara and T. Ine: Comparison between Virtual Shaking-Table Test of Super-Highrise Steel Frame Using E-Simulator and Beam Element Analysis, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2010 B-1, (2010), pp.291-292, in Japanese. abstract
T. Ohta, D. Isobe, T. Inoue and F. Matsueda: Collision between Neighboring Buildings under Long-Period Ground Motion, Part 1: Lessons Learned from 1985 Michioacan Earthquake, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2010 B-2, (2010), pp.939-940, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe, T. Ohta, T. Inoue and F. Matsueda: Collision between Neighboring Buildings under Long-Period Ground Motion, Part 2: Impact and Collapse Analysis of 14-Story Three Connected Buildings, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2010 B-2, (2010), pp.941-942, in Japanese. abstract
Y. Matsui, K. Kondo and D. Isobe: Mechanical Sway Stabilization of Flexible Link System Using a TCS, CD-ROM Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan 2010, (2010), in Japanese. abstract
E. Onda and D. Isobe: Development of Seismic Collapse Analysis Code for RC Framed Structures Using ASI-Gauss Technique, Proceedings of the 23th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.10-2, (2010), pp.418-420, in Japanese. abstract
T. Katsu and D. Isobe: Blast Demolition Analysis Based upon Key Element Index, Proceedings of the 23th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.10-2, (2010), pp.421-423, in Japanese. abstract
L. T. T. Thanh and D. Isobe: Verification on Collapse Initiation Times of High-Rise Buildings by Fire-Induced Collapse Analysis, Proceedings of the 23th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.10-2, (2010), pp.424-425, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe, T. Ohta, T. Inoue and F. Matsueda: Impact and Collapse Analysis of Neighboring Buildings under Long-Period Ground Motion, CD-ROM Proceedings of the 13th Japan Earthquake Engineering Symposium, (2010), pp.4324-4329, in Japanese. abstract
Wonsang Han and D. Isobe: Performance Validation of Seismic Response Analysis Code Using ASI-Gauss Technique, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.16, (2011), in Japanese. abstract
E. Onda and D. Isobe: Development of Seismic Collapse Analysis Code for RC Framed Structures Using ASI-Gauss Technique and Its Applications, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.16, (2011), in Japanese. abstract
K. Kondo, Y. Matsui and D. Isobe: Development of Torque Cancelling System Using Parallel Solution Scheme, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.16, (2011), in Japanese. abstract
T. Miyamura, M. Ohsaki, M. Kohiyama, J. Zhang, D. Isobe, H. Akiba, M. Hori, T. Yamashita and K. Kajiwara: High-precision finite element model of steel frames for collapse analysis, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.16, (2011), in Japanese. abstract
Y. Yamaguchi and D. Isobe: Motion Planning of Robot Arm to Avoid Structural Damage - Introduction of Inertia -, CD-ROM Proceedings of the JSME Annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics '11, No.11-5, (2011), in Japanese. abstract
B. Nakayama, K. Kondo, Y. Matsui and D. Isobe: Mechanical Sway Stabilization Using a Torque Cancelling System Aiming for Installation in a Robot, CD-ROM Proceedings of the JSME Annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics '11, No.11-5, (2011), in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe and T. Katsu: Blast Demolition Planning Tool Based upon Key Element Index, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2011 B-1, (2011), pp.225-226, in Japanese. abstract
T. Miyamura, D. Isobe, M. Ohsaki, M. Kohiyama, M. Hori, H. Akiba, T. Yamashita and K. Kajiwara: Comparison between Virtual Shaking-Table Test of 4-story Steel Frame Using E-Simulator and Beam Element Analysis, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2011 B-1, (2011), pp.233-234, in Japanese. abstract
Y. Yamaguchi and D. Isobe: Motion Planning Scheme for Avoiding Structural Damage of Robotic Arms, CD-ROM Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan 2011, (2011), in Japanese. abstract
K. Kondo and D. Isobe: Mechanical Sway Stabilization Experiment around Multiple Axes of Link System using TCS, CD-ROM Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan 2011, (2011), in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe and E. Onda: Finite Element Analysis on Collapse Behavior of CTV Building, Proceedings of the 24th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.11-3, (2011), pp.570-571, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe, B. Nakayama and K. Kondo: Stabilizing Mechanical Sway of a Walking Robot Using a Torque Cancelling System, CD-ROM Proceedings of the JSME Annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics '12, No.12-3, (2012), in Japanese. abstract
Z. He, D. Isobe, M. Kaneko and M. Hori: Motion Analysis on Overturning Behavior of Furniture Using ASI-Gauss Technique, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.17, (2012), in Japanese. abstract
T. Ogino and D. Isobe: Relationship between Floor Height - Span Ratio of Buildings and Efficiency of Blast Demolition, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.17, (2012), in Japanese. abstract
R. Negishi and D. Isobe: Development of Blast Demolition Analysis Code for RC Framed Structures, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.17, (2012), in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe and T. Ogino: Blast Demolition Planning Tool Based upon Key
T. Ogino and D. Isobe: A Study on Blast Demolition Planning of High-Rise Buildings, Proceedings of the 25th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.12-4, (2012), pp.79-80, in Japanese. abstract
R. Negishi and D. Isobe: Blast Demolition Analysis of a Large-Scale Reinforced Concrete Framed Structure, Proceedings of the 25th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.12-4, (2012), pp.81-82, in Japanese. abstract
Y. Dong and D. Isobe: Collapse Analysis of Steel Framed Structure Subjected under Tsunami Debris Collision, Proceedings of the 25th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.12-4, (2012), pp.83-84, in Japanese. abstract
T. Miyamura and D. Isobe: On the Verification and Validation of Seismic Response Analyses of the 4-Story Steel Frame Using ASI-Gauss Code and E-Simulator, Proceedings of the 25th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.12-4, (2012), pp.339-340, in Japanese. abstract
Z. He and D. Isobe: Seismic Motion Analysis of Furniture Placed in a Building, Proceedings of the 25th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.12-4, (2012), pp.343-344, in Japanese. abstract
Y. Dong and D. Isobe: Collapse Analysis of Building due to Tsunami Debris Impact, Proceedings of the 62nd National Congress of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics 2013, (2013), in Japanese. abstract
R. Zhu and D. Isobe:Inverse Dynamics Calculation of a Robot with Linear-Motion Link Mechanism using Parallel Solution Scheme, CD-ROM Proceedings of the JSME Annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics '13, No.13-2, (2013), in Japanese. abstract
Y. Imai and D. Isobe:Vibration Control and Mechanical Sway Stabilization of Flexible Link System, CD-ROM Proceedings of the JSME Annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics '13, No.13-2, (2013), in Japanese. abstract
K. Fujii and D. Isobe:Development of Motion Planning Scheme for Compensating Elastic Deformation of Flexible Link Systems, CD-ROM Proceedings of the JSME Annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics '13, No.13-2, (2013), in Japanese. abstract
Y. Ido and D. Isobe: Seismic Collapse Analysis of the CTV Building, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.18, (2013), in Japanese. abstract
Y. Dong and D. Isobe: Collapse Analysis of Building due to Tsunami and Tsunami Debris Impact, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.18, (2013), in Japanese. abstract
N. Yokemura, J. Suzuki and D. Isobe: Study on Scattered Area of Non-Structural Elements of Steel Construction Buildings under Fire, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.18, (2013), in Japanese. abstract
N. Yokemura, J. Suzuki and D. Isobe: Numerical Study on Scattered Area of Non-Bearing Walls under Fire, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2013, (2013), pp. 71-72, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe: Blast Demolition Planning Tool Based upon Key
T. Yamashita, J. Gu, M. Kaneko and D. Isobe: Motion Analysis on Overturning Behavior of Furniture against Three-Dimensional Ground Motion -Part1 Outline of Shake Table Test of Furniture Using Motion Capture System-, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2013, (2013), pp. 661-662, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe and Y. Dong: Study on Structural Design of Steel Framed Buildings using Tsunami Debris Impact Analysis, Proceedings of the 26th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.13-3, (2013), in Japanese. abstract
M. Fukudome and D. Isobe: Development of Dynamics Simulator using Finite Element Method, CD-ROM Proceedings of the JSME Annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics '14, No.14-2, (2014), in Japanese. abstract
W. Du and D. Isobe: Mechanical Sway Suppression of a Small Toy Robot Using a Torque Cancelling System, CD-ROM Proceedings of the JSME Annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics '14, No.14-2, (2014), in Japanese. abstract
T. Yamamoto, H. Tagawa, T. Yamashita and D. Isobe: Collapse Analysis of Gymnasium Ceiling Using ASI-Gauss Technique, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.19, (2014), in Japanese. abstract
H. Ogino and D. Isobe: Motion Analysis on Seismic Behavior of Furniture in Medical Facilities, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.19, (2014), in Japanese. abstract
K. Takatera and D. Isobe: Estimation of Secured Distance between Neighboring High-Rise Buildings under Seismic Motion, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.19, (2014), in Japanese. abstract
Y. Kusaka and D. Isobe: Blast Demolition Planning of Steel Framed Structures Using Key Element Index, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.19, (2014), in Japanese. abstract
Y. Kusaka and D. Isobe: Blast Demolition Planning Tool Based upon Key Element Index –Part 4: Relationship between Integrated Key Element Index Value and Heights of Remains, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2014, (2014), pp. 343-344, in Japanese. abstract
K. Kuroda and D. Isobe: Seismic Collapse Analysis of the CTV Building, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2014, (2014), pp. 351-352, in Japanese. abstract
J. Gu, T. Yamashita, M. Kaneko and D. Isobe: Motion Analysis on Overturning Behavior of Furniture against Three-Dimensional Ground Motion -Part2 Motion Analysis of Furniture using ASI-Gauss Technique-, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2014, (2014), pp. 1101-1102, in Japanese. abstract
H. Ogino and D. Isobe: Motion Analysis of Furniture in Medical Facilities under Seismic Excitations, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2014, (2014), pp. 1105-1106, in Japanese. abstract
T. Yamamoto, H. Tagawa, T. Yamashita and D. Isobe: Numerical Study on the Ceiling Collapse in Large-Space Buildings during Earthquakes -Part1 Basic Study, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2014, (2014), pp. 1107-1108, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe and Y. Dong: On Effects of Impact Force Applied by Tsunami Debris on Damages of Buildings, Proceedings of the 11th Symposium on Impact Problems of Strucures, (2014), in Japanese. abstract
K. Takatera and D. Isobe: Seismic Pounding Analysis for Estimating Appropriate Clearance between Adjacent Buildings, Proceedings of the 27th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.14-14, (2014), in Japanese. abstract
Y. Kusaka and D. Isobe: Relationship between Blast Demolition Plans of Buildings and Overall Forms of Remains, Proceedings of the 27th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.14-14, (2014), in Japanese. abstract
H. Ogino and D. Isobe: Safety Evaluation of Tsunami Refuge Building by Impact Analysis of Tsunami Debris, Proceedings of the 27th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.14-14, (2014), in Japanese. abstract
M. Katagiri and D. Isobe: Motion Analysis on Seismic Behaviors of Door Frame in Buildings, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.20, (2015), in Japanese. abstract
H. Ogino and D. Isobe: Dynamic Analysis of Tsunami Refuge Building Subjected to Earthquake and Tsunami, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.20, (2015), in Japanese. abstract
Y. Kusaka and D. Isobe: Blast Demolition Planning of Steel Framed Buildings
Using Key Element Index
K. Oi and D. Isobe: Collapse Risk Prediction of Buildings under Fire Using Key Element Index, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.20, (2015), in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe, T. Yamamoto, H. Tagawa, T. Yamashita and T. Sasaki: Collapse Analysis of Ceiling in Gymnasium during Seismic Excitation, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.20, (2015), in Japanese. abstract
M. Katagiri and D. Isobe: Deformation Analysis of Door Frame in a Steel Frame Building during Seismic Motion, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2015, (2015), pp. 333-334, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe, T. Yamamoto, H. Tagawa, T. Yamashita and T. Sasaki: Numerical Study on the Ceiling Collapse in Large-Space Buildings during Earthquakes -Part2 Simulation of Partial Collapse, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2015, (2015), pp. 335-336, in Japanese. abstract
K. Oi and D. Isobe: Collapse Risk Prediction of Buildings under Fire Using Key Element Index, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2015, (2015), pp. 293-294, in Japanese. abstract
Y. Kusaka and D. Isobe: Blast Demolition Planning Tool Based upon Key Element Index – Part 5: Comparison between Various Models with Different Layer Numbers, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2015, (2015), pp. 295-296, in Japanese. abstract
H. Ogino and D. Isobe: Numerical Study on Safety Evaluation of Tsunami Refuge Building, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2015, (2015), pp. 367-368, in Japanese. abstract
K. Takatera and D. Isobe: Seismic Pounding Analysis for Design Guideline on Clearance between Adjacent Buildings, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2015, (2015), pp. 369-370, in Japanese. abstract
T. Oya, M. Asai, K. Izuno and D. Isobe: Verification of Different Formulations for the Fluid Rigid Body Interaction Simulation by a Particle Simulation, Proceedings of the 28th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.15-19, (2015), in Japanese. abstract
K. Oi and D. Isobe: Relevance of Key Element Index and Damage Extent of Buildings under Fire, Proceedings of the 28th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.15-19, (2015), in Japanese. abstract
T. Fujiwara, D. Isobe, H. Tagawa, T. Yamashita and T. Sasaki: Numerical Simulation on Ceiling Collapse Phenomenon in Gymnasium during Earthquake, Proceedings of the 28th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.15-19, (2015), in Japanese. abstract
H. Ogino, S. Tanaka and D. Isobe: Safety Evaluation of Tsunami Refuge Building by Seismic Response and Tsunami Analysis, Proceedings of the 28th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.15-19, (2015), in Japanese. abstract
T. Miura, T. Yamashita and D. Isobe
S. Tanaka, H. Ogino and D. Isobe: Tsunami Propagation Analysis for Damage Estimation of Evacuation Building, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.21, (2016), in Japanese.abstract
K. Higashi and D. Isobe: Study on a Selection Scheme of Columns for Blast Demolition of Buildings Using Variance of Key Element Index, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.21, (2016), in Japanese.abstract
K. Azuma and D. Isobe: Relationship between Design Strength of Buildings and the Risk of Occurrence of Progressive Collapse, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.21, (2016), in Japanese.abstract
K. Azuma and D. Isobe: Relationship between the Risk of Occurrence of Progressive Collapse and Overload Ratio of Buildings, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2016, (2016), pp. 357-358, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe and M. Katagiri: Deformation Analysis of Door Frame in RC Frame Building during Seismic Motion, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2016, (2016), pp. 1185-1186, in Japanese. abstract
K. Higashi and D. Isobe: Blast Demolition Planning Tool Based upon Key Element Index Part 6: Selection of Blasted Columns Using Variance, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2016, (2016), pp. 415-416, in Japanese. abstract
T. Oya, M. Asai, K. Izuno and D. Isobe: Verification and Validation of bridge Wash-Out Simulation by a Particle Based Fluid Rigid Body Interaction Method, Proceedings of the 29th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.16-4, (2016), in Japanese. abstract
K. Oi and D. Isobe: Relevance of Key Element Index and Collapse Risk of Buildings under Fire, Proceedings of the 29th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.16-4, (2016), in Japanese. abstract
T. Fujiwara, D. Isobe, H. Tagawa, T. Yamashita and T. Sasaki: Seismic Motion Analysis of Gymnasium with Ceiling Considering Buckling of Hanging Bolts and Structural Braces, Proceedings of the 29th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.16-4, (2016), in Japanese. abstract
K. Azuma and D. Isobe: Relationship between Key Element Index and the Risk of Progressive Collapse, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.22, (2017), in Japanese.abstract
K. Higashi and D. Isobe: Blast Demolition Planning of Buildings with Different Span Numbers Using Variance of Key Element Index, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.22, (2017), in Japanese.abstract
T. Miura, T. Yamashita and D. Isobe
K. Kobayashi and D. Isobe
K. Sato and D. Isobe
T. Ohno, S. Tanaka and D. Isobe
K. Fukushima, S. Tanaka and D. Isobe
K. Azuma and D. Isobe: Relationship between the Risk of Occurrence of Progressive Collapse and Key Element Index of Buildings, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2017, (2017), pp. 269-270, in Japanese. abstract
K. Higashi and D. Isobe: Blast Demolition Planning Tool Based upon Key Element Index Part 7: Comparison between Models with Different Span Numbers and Different Selection Schemes of Blasted Columns, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2017, (2017), pp. 271-272, in Japanese. abstract
T. Miura, T. Yamashita and D. Isobe
K. Kobayashi and D. Isobe: Verification of Quake-Proof Countermeasures on Furniture by Finite Element Analysis, Proceedings of the 30th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.17-4, (2017), in Japanese. abstract
K. Sato and D. Isobe: Motion Analysis on Seismic Behaviors of Doors Considering Contact with Door Frames, Proceedings of the 30th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.17-4, (2017), in Japanese. abstract
K. Kanano and D. Isobe: Motion Analysis on Seismic Behavior of Server Rack Using ASI-Gauss Technique, Proceedings of the 30th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.17-4, (2017), in Japanese. abstract
K. Azuma and D. Isobe: Relationship between Risk of Progressive Collapse and Evaluation Index for Structural Strengths of Buildings, Proceedings of the 30th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.17-4, (2017), in Japanese. abstract
K. Higashi and D. Isobe: Study on Blast Demolition Planning of Buildings for Improving Efficiency of Demolition and Safety during Demolition, Proceedings of the 30th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.17-4, (2017), in Japanese. abstract
K. Maeda, T. Yamashita and D. Isobe: Motion Analysis of Earthquake-Resistant Suspended Ceilings under Seismic Excitation, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.23, (2018), in Japanese.abstract
K. Hara, M. Asai, D. Isobe and S. Tanaka: Verification on Collapse Process of Aso Bridge during the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake by ASI-Gauss Method, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.23, (2018), in Japanese.abstract
H. Omura and D. Isobe: Seismic Motion Analysis of Acoustic Facility with Box-Type Suspended Ceilings Containing Level Gaps, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.23, (2018), in Japanese.abstract
K. Sato and D. Isobe: Motion Analysis of Doors Installed in Buildings Under Earthquake, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2018, (2018), pp. 541-542, in Japanese. abstract
K. Kobayashi, T. Yamashita, M. Naito and D. Isobe: Motion Analysis of Furniture under One-Dimensional Seismic Excitation Using ASI-Gauss Technique, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2018, (2018), pp. 543-544, in Japanese. abstract
K. Maeda, T. Yamashita and D. Isobe: Comparison of Seismic Motions between Conventional and Earthquake-Resistant Suspended Ceilings in Gymnasium, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2018, (2018), pp. 549-550, in Japanese. abstract
H. Omura and D. Isobe: Seismic Collapse Simulation of Box-Type Suspended Ceilings with Level Gaps, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2018, (2018), pp. 1019-1020, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe: Development of a Collapse Analysis Code of Buildings and Its Applications, Proceedings of the Mechanical Engineering Congress, 2018 Japan, JSME, No.18-1, (2018), in Japanese. abstract
H. Omura and D. Isobe: Ceiling Collapse Simulation of Concert Hall with Box-Type Suspended Ceilings under Seismic Motion, Proceedings of the 31st JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.18-8, (2018), in Japanese. abstract
K. Hara, M. Asai, D. Isobe and S. Tanaka: Verification on Collapse Process of Aso Bridge during the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes by ASI-Gauss Method, Proceedings of the 31st JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.18-8, (2018), in Japanese. abstract
S. Yoshimi and D. Isobe: Motion analysis of Hanshin Expressway No.3 Kobe Line during Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.24, (2019), in Japanese.abstract
T. Takeda and D. Isobe: Dynamic Analysis of Super High-Rise Steel Building Frame Model Considering Fatigue Fractures of Damping Braces under Long-Duration Earthquake Motion, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.24, (2019), in Japanese.abstract
H. Omura and D. Isobe: Numerical Research on Ceiling Collapse Mechanisms and Earthquake-Resistant Measures in Acoustic Facility, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.24, (2019), in Japanese.abstract
T. Takeda and D. Isobe: Dynamic Analysis of Super High-Rise Steel Building Frame with Buckling Restrained Braces under Long-Duration Earthquake Motion, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2019, (2019), pp. 347-348, in Japanese. abstract
H. Omura, T. Yamashita and D. Isobe: Numerical Investigation on Earthquake-Resistant Measures of Suspended Ceiling in Gymnasium Using Ceiling Collapse Simulations, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2019, (2019), pp. 1009-1010, in Japanese. abstract
K. Kanano, T. Yamashita and D. Isobe: Seismic Motion Analysis of Racks for Electronic Apparatus Considering Loosening of Screws,Proceedings of the 32nd JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.19-19, (2019), in Japanese. abstract
H. Omura, T. Yamashita and D. Isobe: Improvement of Suspended Ceiling Collapse Simulation and Numerical Investigation on Earthquake-Resistant Measures,Proceedings of the 32nd JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.19-19, (2019), in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe: Improvement Study on Simulations of In-Door Nonstructural Components, Proceedings on Japan Earthquake Engineering Conference 2019, (2019) in Japanese. abstract
S. Chiba and D. Isobe: Numerical Analysis on Unstable Phenomena Occurred in Suspended Ceilings during Earthquakes, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.25, (2020), in Japanese.abstract
H. Omura, T. Yamashita and D. Isobe: V&V and Numerical Examples of Suspended Ceiling Collapse Simulation under Seismic Excitation, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.25, (2020), in Japanese.abstract
S. Chiba and D. Isobe: On Effects of Inclination and Eccentricity of Hangers on Seismic Behaviors of Suspended Ceilings, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2020, (2020), pp. 993-994, in Japanese. abstract
H. Omura, N. Mitsume, M. Asai and D. Isobe: Development of Improved Explicitly
Represented Polygon Model with Consideration of Contribution of Wall near
Edges and Application to ISPH Method, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference
on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.26, (2021), in Japanese.abstract
T. Yamashita, D. Isobe, T. Miyamura and M. Ohsaki: Seismic response analysis of 10-story reinforced concrete building and installed furniture using finite element method, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.26, (2021), in Japanese.abstract
H. Ishii, M. Asai, H. Otani, K. Iiyama, H. Morikawa and D. Isobe: Simulation of wooden house collapse prediction in a whole city using the ASI-Gauss code, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.26, (2021), in Japanese.abstract
T. Shibuya and D. Isobe: Numerical Verification on Effect of EPS Materials on Seismic Pounding Damage of Neighboring Buildings, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.26, (2021), in Japanese.abstract
T. Tago and D. Isobe: Numerical Evaluation on Collapse Behavior of Prefabricated Scaffolds under Wind Loads, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.26, (2021), in Japanese.abstract
S. Chiba and D. Isobe: Numerical Investigation on Progressive Collapse of Rack Systems in Warehouse, CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.26, (2021), in Japanese.abstract
S. Chiba and D. Isobe: Numerical Investigation on Methods for Suppressing the Collapse of Pallet Rack Systems, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2021, (2021), pp. 277-278, in Japanese. abstract
T. Tago and D. Isobe: Evaluation on the Collapse Behavior of Prefabricated Scaffolds due to the Difference in Attachment Positions of Wall Ties, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2021, (2021), pp. 735-736, in Japanese. abstract
R. Jiang and D. Isobe: Numerical Investigation on Folding Blast Demolition of Buildings, Proceedings of the 34th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, No.21-36, (2021), in Japanese. abstract
K. Itakura and D. Isobe: Collapse Risk Evaluation of Buildings due to Large-Scale Fire Spread, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.27, (2022), in Japanese.abstract
M. Koyano and D. Isobe: Seismic Pounding Analysis of Buildings Considering Strain Hysteresis of EPS Cushioning Material, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.27, (2022), in Japanese.abstract
T. Tago and D. Isobe: One-Way FSI Analysis of Prefabricated Scaffolds under Wind Loads, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.27, (2022), in Japanese.abstract
H. Omura, N. Mitsume, M. Asai and D. Isobe: Development of Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis Method Based on Coupling ISPH Method and ASI-Gauss Method, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.27, (2022), in Japanese.abstract
M. Myagmarjav, M. Asai, H. Otani, K. Iiyama, H. Morikawa and D. Isobe: City-scale simulation of wooden house collapse prediction using the ASI-Gauss Code, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.27, (2022), in Japanese.abstract
R. Jiang and D. Isobe: Numerical Investigation on Blast Intervals in Multi-Stage Explosive Demolition, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2022, (2022), pp. 165-166, in Japanese. abstract
M. Koyano and D. Isobe: Evaluation on Reduction Effects of Seismic Pounding Damage Using EPS Cushioning Material Considering Strain Hysteresis, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2022, (2022), pp. 601-602, in Japanese. abstract
J. Zhu and D. Isobe: Numerical Investigation on the Collapse of the Champlain Towers South in Florida, Proceedings of the 35th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, (2022), in Japanese. abstract
Y. Meng and D. Isobe: Numerical Analysis and VR Visualization for the Motion of Nonstructural Components under Seismic Excitation, Proceedings of the 35th JSME Computational Mechanics Conference, (2022), in Japanese. abstract
T. Tago and D. Isobe: One-way Coupled Analysis of Prefabricated Scaffolds under Wind Loads using OpenFOAM and ASI-Gauss Code, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.28, (2023), in Japanese.abstract
H. Ohmura, N. Mitsume, M. Asai and D. Isobe: Wave–Framed Structure Interaction Analysis Based on Coupled Particle Method and ASI-Gauss Method, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.28, (2023), in Japanese.abstract
Q. Yang, M. Yan and D. Isobe: Analysis of an Entire Building during an Earthquake and Development of a VR Simulator, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.28, (2023), in Japanese.abstract
B. Xie and D. Isobe: Numerical Study on the Progressive Collapse Prevention of Pallet Rack Systems, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.28, (2023), in Japanese.abstract
M. Koyano and D. Isobe: Evaluation on Seismic Pounding Damage Reduction Effect of EPS Cushioning Material Using Integrated Model of Building and Furniture, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.28, (2023), in Japanese.abstract
S. Ito and D. Isobe: Elasto-Plastic and Fracture Analysis of Timber Beam Using ASI-Gauss Code Considering Spread of Plastic Region, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2023, (2023), pp. 197-198, in Japanese. abstract
S. Ohinata, H. Omura, M. Asai and D. Isobe: Development of an Unresolved
Fluid-Structure Coupling Scheme using Particle Method and ASI-Gauss Method
S. Ito, H. Omura and D. Isobe: Collapse Simulation of a Wooden House under
Seismic Excitation, Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering
and Science, Vol.29, (2024), in Japanese.abstract
H. Omura, K. Tsuji, M. Asai and D. Isobe: Development of a FSI analysis
method based on coupled SPH-beam element using PMS, Proceedings of the
Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.29, (2024), in
S. Ito, H. Omura and D. Isobe: Wooden House Collapse Analysis Technique
Based on the ASI-Gauss Method Introducing the Wood Constitutive Law (Part
1: Elasto-Plastic and Fracture Analysis of Wood Beams), Summaries of Technical
Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan 2024, (2024),
pp. 15-16, in Japanese. abstract
H. Omura, S. Ito and D. Isobe: Wooden House Collapse Analysis Technique
Based on the ASI-Gauss Method Introducing the Wood Constitutive Law (Part
2: Reproduction Analysis of Experiment on Collapse of Wooden House), Summaries
of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan
2024, (2024), pp. 17-18, in Japanese. abstract
D. Isobe and Q Yang: Integrated FEA-VR System for Buildings with In-Door
Non-Structural Components, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting
Architectural Institute of Japan 2024, (2024), pp. 175-176, in Japanese.
T. Ooba and D. Isobe: Development of a Deformable Modular Truss Robot
No. 2001-277161, D. Isobe, "A Control Scheme for Manipulators Using Finite Element Method"
Patent No.6160859, T. Shindo, H. Ohkura, D Isobe and R. Negishi, "Steel-Structure
Demolition Method"