Welcome to Isobe-lab.


Revised on 2024.11.18
Japanese page


2024.10.26 Prof. Isobe has been inaugurated as the member of the Board of Education, Ibaraki Prefecture. Newspaper Board of Education
2024.9.12 Prof. Isobe has been inaugurated as the science advisor of Tsukuba Science High School.
2024.7.29 Prof. Isobe delivered a Plenary Lecture in WCCM 2024 / PANACM 2024.
2024.4.1 Prof. Isobe has been inaugurated as the Dean of the College of Engineering Systems, University of Tsukuba.
A supplement data with a DOI No. has been released. Here
2023.10.16 Prof. Isobe has been selected as a Plenary speaker for the forthcoming WCCM 2024 / PANACM 2024 which will be held during July 21-26, 2024, in Vancouver, Canada. WCCM 2024 / PANACM 2024
Prof. Isobe, as the President of the Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science, concluded a collaboration agreement with the Ibaraki Prefectural Office of Education for the enhancement of information education.
2023.2.6 Lab demonstration seminar will be held from 3:00 PM on Tuesday, February 21st, 2023, at 3E104 (Isobe Lab). All students who are interested to be in our lab should attend.
2022.5.25 Prof. Isobe has been assigned to the 14th President of JSCES.
2022.1.20 An interview article of Prof. Isobe regarding the collapse of high-rise building occurred in Gwangju, South Korea, has been published in Nikkei xTECH website. Article
2022.1.11 Prof. Isobe delivered a plenary lecture in ICCES2022 on January 8th, 2022.
2022.1.7 Mr. Hiroyuki Omura, a PhD student of Isobe Lab., has received an Outstanding Presentation Award for Young Scientists in the 26th Annual Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, JSCES. List
2021.8.6 An interview article of Prof. Isobe regarding the collapse of Champlain Towers South occurred in Florida, USA, has been published in Nikkei Architecture on July 22.
2021.7.8 An interview article of Prof. Isobe regarding the collapse of Champlain Towers South occurred in Florida, USA, has been published in Nikkei xTECH website. Article
2021.5.14 An article introducing Isobe Lab. has been published by Nu. Ink, a team steered by students of University of Tsukuba for INNOVATION WORLD FESTA. Article
2021.3.29 Prof. Isobe has been invited as a plenary speaker for the forthcoming ICCES2022 conference. It will be held during January 8-12, 2022, in Dubai.
2021.2.9 Prof. Isobe has been approved as a fellow of JSME.
2020.12.16 Have changed the starting time of Lab demonstration seminar. It will be held from 6:15 PM on Friday, January 8th, 2021, at 3E103 (Isobe Lab).
2020.12.2 Lab demonstration seminar will be held from 3:15 PM on Friday, January 8th, 2021, at 3E103 (Isobe Lab). All students who are interested to be in our lab should attend.
2020.12.1 COMPSAFE2020 chaired by Prof. Isobe will be held during 8th-11th December, 2020, online.
2020.8.26 A book written by Prof. Isobe, "Solving problems in structural dynamics using beam elements: From collapse analysis of buildings to robot ontrol", will be published from Maruzen on 19th September. Maruzen Amazon
2020.8.14 Prof. Isobe delivered a plenary lecture entitled: "Solving problems in structural dynamics using beam elements: From collapse behaviors of buildings to torque cancelling of robots" on 10th August, in ICCM2020.
Prof. Isobe will deliver a plenary lecture on 10th August, in the forthcoming ICCM2020.
2020.7.22 Prof. Isobe received the 2020 Computational Mechanics Award from JACM.
2020.6.23 Prof. Isobe has been elected to the Vice President of JSCES during the general council meeting held on June 22, 2020.

2020.6.10 The download site has been revised. All the source programs are now can be downloaded freely. A download site for the parallel solution scheme is now open. Download site
2020.5.16 An article regarding the project on tsunami evacuation building appeared on the latest edition of Impact, published by Science Impact Ltd. Publication Article
2020.2.21 A seminar entitled "Concept and Treatment of Coupled and Contact Problems in Structural Engineering" was held at Kenchiku-kaikan Hall on 20th, February. The textbook of the same title is published from Maruzen.
2020.2.21COMPSAFE2020 is postponed to 8th-11th December, 2020 due to the pandemic of COVID-19.
2020.2.14 COMPSAFE2020 chaired by Prof. Isobe will be held during 8th-11th March, 2020, at Kobe International Conference Center.
2020.1.28 Prof. Isobe has been selected for a recepient of the 2019 Best Presentation Award, Computational Mechanics Devision, JSME by the presentation at CMD conference held in September, 2019.
2019.12.28 Prof. Isobe delivered a lecture entitled: "On Uncertainties Appear in Collapse Behaviors of Buildings" at Tohoku Univ. on 27th of December, in a joint workshop of study groups on Hypercomplex Disaster Simulation and Modeling and Simulation Methods of Uncertainties.
2019.12.12 Lab demonstration seminar will be held on Friday, January 10th from 6:15 PM at 3E103 (Isobe Lab). All students who are interested to be in our lab should attend.
2019.9.27 The 5th German-Japanese Workshop on Computational Mechanics was held at Dresden Inst. Tech. on 23rd and 24th of September. GACM
2019.9.20 Prof. Isobe delivered a lecture on "Simulations of In-door Non-structural Components" in Japan Earthquake Engineering Symposium held at Kyoto University.
2019.9.18 Prof. Isobe received the 2019 Computational Mechanics Achievements Award from JSME on Sep. 17 at CMD conference. Recipient list
2019.3.25 Mr. Sora Yoshimi of Isobe Lab. received the Hatakeyama award from the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.The award was presented at the graduation ceremony on March 25.
2019.1.25 Mr. Kazuki Sato, Mr. Kotoku Maeda and Mr. Hiroyuki Omura of Isobe Lab. received the best presentation awards for young researchers at the Annual Meeting of Architectural Institute of Japan, 2018.
2018.12.19 The NHK special program "MEGA CRISIS" will be re-broadcasted at BS1 channel on January 2, 2019 (14:00-14:49). This will be its 6th broadcast.
2018.12.6 A book entitled: "Earthquakes - Forecast, Prognosis and Earthquake Resistant Construction" has been published from InTech. Open Access
2018.12.6 Lab demonstration seminar will be held on Wednesday, January 16th from 6:15 PM at 3E103 (Isobe Lab). All students who are interested to be in our lab should attend.
2018.3.23 Mr. Kenta Higashi of Isobe Lab has received the Best Presentation Award in Master's Thesis from the department.
2018.3.1 An article regarding Prof. Isobe's research topic has been published in IACM Expressions No. 42. Article

News in the past

Research Area


Seismic Damage  Numerical Code for Seismic Collapse Analysis of Buildings, Motion Analysis of Non-Structural Components, and Tsunami Analysis

Blast Demolition  Analytical and Experimental Systems for Blast Demolition of Framed Structures

Aircraft Impact  Aircraft Impact Analysis of the World Trade Center Towers

Progressive Collapse  Fire-Induced Progressive Collapse Analyses of High-Rise Towers


Piezoelectric Actuators  Quasi-Static Control of Connected Piezoelectric Actuators Using FEM

Impact Predection  Impact Force Prediction System for Robotic Structures

Motion Planning  Motion Planning of Manipulators with Structural Safety as Priority

Parallel Solution Scheme  Parallel Solution Scheme of Inverse Dynamics for Link Systems

Torque Cancelling System  Torque Cancelling System for Quick-Motion Robots

Space Structures

Space Debris Impact  Hypervelocity Debris Impact Analysis of the International Space Station

  Active Control of Deformation and Vibration of Large-Scale Space Structures

Aircraft Impact  Design-Aid Simulation of a "Spiral Top" Floating Device (ISS/KIBO culture and human science pilot mission by JAXA and Prof. Takuro Osaka, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, Univ. of Tsukuba)


Air-Slide Impact Test  Dynamic Force Determination Using Air-Slide Type Impact Test System

Vibration Control  Vibration Control of Plates and Cylinders Using Piezoelectric Films

to TOP


Daigoro Isobe, Dr. Eng., Professor
Dean of the College of Engineering Systems, University of Tsukuba
Auditor, JSCES
Member of the Board of Education, Ibaraki Prefecture

Personal history:  

Born in Washington D.C., July 1st, 1965

1989 Graduated from Department of Ship Engineering, the University of Tokyo
1994 Graduated from the Graduate School, the University of Tokyo. Dr. of Engineering
Research Associate, Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo
1995 Assistant Professor, Inst. of Engineering Mechanics, University of Tsukuba
1999 Assistant Professor, Inst. of Engineering Mechanics and Systems, University of Tsukuba
2002 Associate Professor, Inst. of Engineering Mechanics and Systems, University of Tsukuba
2004 Associate Professor, Dept. of Engineering Mechanics and Energy, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba
2011 Associate Professor, Division of Engineering Mechanics and Energy, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, University of Tsukuba
2013 Professor, Division of Engineering Mechanics and Energy, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, University of Tsukuba
2024, Dean of the College of Engineering Systems, University of Tsukuba


JSME (Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers)

JSCES (Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science)

AIJ (Architectural Institute of Japan)

IACM (International Association for Computational Mechanics)

Social contributions:

April 2002-March 2004, Journal Editorial Committee, Refereeing Sub Committee, RSJ
November 2002-June 2006, Conference Steering Committee, JSCES
April 2003-March 2007, Management Committee, Computational Mechanics Division, JSME
April 2003-March 2004, Secretary, Technical and Planning Committee, Computational Mechanics Division, JSME
April 2003-March 2004, Member Reinforcement Subcommittee, JSME
Semptember 2003-June 2014, Councilor, JSCES
January 2004-December 2005, Steering Committee, 2005 CMD Annual Conference, JSME
January 2004-January 2005, Steering Committee, SI2004 Annual Conference, System Integration Division, SICE
April 2004-March 2005, Secretary, Computational Mechanics Division, JSME
April 2004-March 2005, Steering Committee, 54th Annual Conference of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Science Council of Japan
April 2005-March 2006, Secretary, Commendation Committee, Computational Mechanics Division, JSME
April 2006-March 2008, Paper Referee, JSME
September 2006-August 2013, International Program Committee, IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Applications
April 2007-March 2008, Sub-secretary, Journal Editorial Committee, JSCES
September 2007-June 2008, Steering Committee, 57th Annual Conference of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Science Council of Japan
December 2007-September 2009, Young Researchers Commendation Committee, RSJ
February 2008-October 2008, Steering Committee, International Symposium on Structures under Earthquake, Impact, and Blast Loading 2008 (IB'08)
April 2008-March 2009, Secretary, Journal Editorial Committee, JSCES
September 2008-, E-Simulator Development Committee, E-Defense, NIED
October 2008-March 2009, Program Committee, 14th Robotics Symposia
October 2008-August 2009, Technical Committee, 2nd International Workshop on Performance, Protection, & Strengthening of Structures under Extreme Loading (PROTECT 2009)
January 2009-March 2010, Organizing Committee, 2nd International Workshops on Advances in Computational Mechanics (IWACOM II)
April 2009-, Sub Committee for Resilience Evaluation of Structures, Research Committee on Structures, AIJ
October 2009-March 2010, Program Committee, 15th Robotics Symposia
March 2010-August 2013, International Program Committee, IASTED International Conference on Robotics
April 2010-March 2023, Chief investigator, Facility WG, E-Simulator Development Committee, E-Defense, NIED
July 2010-May 2011, 16th Annual Conference Steering Committee, JSCES
August 2010-August 2011, International Committee, 3rd International Workshop on Performance, Protection, & Strengthening of Structures under Extreme Loading (PROTECT 2011)
September 2010-March 2018, Structural Engineering Journal Editorial Committee, Structural Engineering Committee, JSCE
March 2011-November 2011, National Organizing Committee Member, 9th International Conference on Shock & Impact Loads on Structures
May 2011-March 2014, Investigation and Suggestion Committee for East Japan Great Earthquake, JSME
September 2011-May 2012, 17th Annual Conference Steering Committee, JSCES
September 2011-May 2013, ROBOMEC2013 Steering Committee, JSME
April 2012-November 2012, International Advisory Committee, 2nd International Conference on Computational Design in Engineering (CODE 2012)
May 2012-May 2024, Director, JSCES
September 2012-June 2013, 18th Annual Conference Steering Committee, JSCES
October 2012-April 2014, Secretary General, International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems (COMPSAFE 2014)
July 2013-, General Council member, IACM
October 2013-March 2018, Secretary, Sub-committee on Blast and Inpact Resist Design, Committee on Structural Engineering, JSCE
July 2014-October 2015, Conference Chairman, the 3rd International Workshops on Advances in Computational Mechanics (IWACOM-III)
April 2014-December 2014, Guest Editor, International Journal of High-Rise Buildings
October 2014-March 2015, Organizer, the 3rd German-Japanese Workshop on Computational Mechanics
October 2014-April 2015, Organizer, the 7th Korea-Japan Workshop on Computational Mechanics
May 2015-, Member, Study Group on Hypercomplex Disaster Simulation, JSCES
April 2016-March 2020, Sub Committee for Coupled and Contact Problems of Spatial Structures, AIJ
October 2016-March 2017, Chairman, the 4th Japanese-German Workshop on Computational Mechanics
December 2017-March 2018, Chairman, Investigation and Evaluation Committee on Protection of Steel Structures, Ministry of Defence
December 2017-June 2018, Chairman, the 8th Japan-Korea Workshop on Computational Mechanics
March 2018-December 2020, Chairman, International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems (COMPSAFE 2020)
October 2018-March 2019, Chairman, Investigation and Evaluation Committee on Protection of Large-Scale Steel Structures, Ministry of Defence
April 2019-March 2020, Advisoty committee chairman, the 4th International Workshops on Advances in Computational Mechanics (IWACOM-IV)
November 2019-March 2020, Chairman, Investigation and Evaluation Committee on Protection of Large-Scale Steel Structures, Ministry of Defence
April 2020-, Member, Steering committee on Shell and Spatial Structures, AIJ
April 2020-, Secretary, Sub committee for Coupled Problems of Continuum Mechanics, AIJ
June 2020-May 2022, Vice President, JSCES
January 2021-August 2022, Technical Program Chair, WCCM XV - APCOM VIII
April 2021-March 2023, Member, Special Task Force on Numerical Analysis and Qualification System for Performance Assurance of Buildings, AIJ
June 2022-May 2024, President, JSCES
June 2022-May 2024, Liaison Council of Engineering and Scientific Societies, Science Council of Japan
April 2024-, Dean of the College of Engineering Systems, University of Tsukuba

May 2024-, Auditor, JSCES
September 2024-, Science Advisor, Tsukuba Science High School
October 2024-, Member of the Board of Education, Ibaraki Prefecture

A guest editor of:

International Journal of High-Rise Buildings
Frontiers in Built Environment, section Earthquake Engineering

A reviewer of:

Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series A, C
Transactions of the Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science
Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan
Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
Journal of Applied Mechanics, JSCE
Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE
Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering, AIJ
IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Journal of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences
Advanced Robotics
IEEE Transactions on Robotics
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics
Journal of Space Engineering
Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing
Journal of Environment and Engineering
Journal of System Design and Dynamics
Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics
International Journal of Robotics and Automation
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics
International Journal of Damage Mechanics
Engineering Structures
Thin-Walled Structures
Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines
Earthquakes and Structures
The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings
Structural Engineering and Mechanics
Innovative Infrastructure Solutions
Transactions of the JSASS / Aerospace Technology

Media releases,TV appearances:

2001.2.19 Newspaper release, "Developed a general-purpose operating system for robots, Univ. of Tsukuba", Nihon Keizai Shinbun.
2007.9.12 Newspaper release, ""Back bone" cracked on the aircraft impact, a Japanese professor deploys a new theory", Asahi Shinbun.
2007.10.16 Newspaper release, "Collapsed due to springback phenomena, according to 9.11 WTC simulation", Jyoyo Shinbun.
2010.1.12 Weekly magazine release, "An interview regarding the collapse theory on WTC towers", Weekly-Asahi.
2010.3.7 Appeared in an NHK special TV program "MEGAQUAKE" with his seismic collapse analytical results.
2011.1.8 Appeared in a TBS TV program with his mimic blast demolition experimental results.
2011.2.10 Appeared in a Yomiuri TV program "ten!", an interview on trends of blast demolition.
2011.6.24 Appeared in a Nihon TV program as a quiz guest.
2011.11.25 An interview article on collapse behavior of CTV building appeared in Nikkei Architecutre.
2012.2.18 An interview article on collapse behavior of CTV building appeared in Kita-Nihon Shinbun.
2012.12.11 An interview article on collapse behavior of CTV building appeared in Asahi Shinbun Digital.
2015.10.13, 20 Appeared in a TV show (Suiensaa) of NHK E television.
2016.1.5, 12 Appeared in a TV show (Suiensaa) of NHK E television.
2016.12.17 Appeared in a special TV program of Fuji television regarding the WTC collapse.
2017.1.10, 17 Appeared in a TV show (Suiensaa) of NHK E television.
2017.9.2 Appeared in an NHK special TV program "MEGA CRISIS".
2021.7.8 An interview article on collapse of Champlain Tower South in Florida, USA appeared in Nikkei xTECH.
2021.7.22 An interview article on collapse of Champlain Tower South in Florida, USA appeared in Nikkei Architecture.

2022.1.20 An interview article on collapse of high-rise tower in South Korea appeared in Nikkei Architecture and Nikkei xTECH.


2005.11 Selected for Marquis Who's Who in the World 2006.
2006.11 Selected for Marquis Who's Who in the World 2007, Who's Who in Asia 2007, Who's Who in Science and Engineering 2006-2007.
2007.4 Education contribution award, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, Univ. of Tsukuba.
2007.11 Selected for Marquis Who's Who in the World 2008, Who's Who in Science and Engineering 2008-2009.
2011.11.18 Highly Commendable Paper Award 2011, SILOS2011.
2014.4.18 The Ichimura Award.
2015.2.12 The Best Faculty Member 2014 Award, University of Tsukuba.
2015.5.22 The Kawai Medal, JSCES.
2019.9.17 The 2019 Computational Mechanics Achievements Award, JSME.
2020.1.28 The 2019 Best Presentation Award, Computational Mechanics Devision, JSME.
2020.7.22 The 2020 Computational Mechanics Award, JACM.
2021.2.9 Approved as a fellow, JSME.


Division of Engineering Mechanics and Energy,
Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, University of Tsukuba,
1-1-1 Tennodai Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki 305-8573, Japan
Room No. 3F214
Tel. +81-29-853-6191
Fax. +81-29-853-5207

Students' room / Laboratory: 3E104 Tel. +81-29-853-5387





Private (Japanese only)

to TOP


Grade Name Main research theme
M2  Shinya Ito

Elasto-Plastic and Fracture Analysis of Timber Beam Using ASI-Gauss Code Considering Spread of Plastic Region

M2 Tomoaki Ohba Development of a Real-Time Driven Torque Cancelling System
M1  Satoshi Ohinata

Development of an Unresolved Fluid-Structure Coupling Scheme using Particle Method and ASI-Gauss Method

M1 Koichi Yamazaki Development of Kinematic Solution Scheme for Vibration Suppression of Flexible Link Systems
B4  Ryuichiro Hara

Graduated members

to TOP


University of Tsukuba

College of Engineering Systems, University of Tsukuba

Division of Engineering Mechanics and Energy, University of Tsukuba

Research group of Advanced Robotics and Cybernics, University of Tsukuba

Research group of Disaster Control, University of Tsukuba

Research group of Space Exploitation Engineering, University of Tsukuba

to TOP


ASIFEM3: Finite element code for framed structures using ASI technique (cubic beam element version) download site

ASIFEM: Finite element code for framed structures using ASI-Gauss technique download site

ASIRES: Seismic response analysis code for framed structures using ASI-Gauss technique download site

Download site for Parallel Solution Scheme

to TOP