Development of Real-Time FEM Control System of Connected Piezoelectric Actuators


 高速反応性をもち、小型化が可能である圧電アクチュエータを多数連結し、 全体としてまとまった動きを実現する制御システムの開発を目指した。 その制御法として用いた有限要素法(FEM)は、剛性マトリックスに各要素の情報を盛り込むことによって全体の挙動を把握し、不慮の故障などに対処する冗長性をもたらす利点を持つ。独自のFEM逆解析手法と圧電体の特性経験式をGUIアプリケーションに組み込み、専用電源を通して容易にかつリアルタイムに制御を行うシステムを開発した。

In this paper, Finite Element Method (FEM) is proposed to apply for a real-time control system of connected piezoelectric actuators, assuming an actuator as finite elements, which are mainly used in the field of computational mechanics. FEM is capable of expressing the state of the whole system by stiffness equations, and can cope flexibly with lack or disability of constituting members of the system by controlling the stiffness matrices.  An inverse problem theory to calculate the control voltage and empirical formulae of piezoelectric material are applied to GUI application of the control system. The operation of the actuators becomes easier by using the GUI application, which automatically calculates each control voltage and sends signal to a controller. As a result, each function acted accurately and the real-time control of connected actuators by FEM control system has succeeded.

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