ISPH法とASI-Gauss 法のカップリングに基づく流体構造連成解析手法の開発

Development of Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis Method Based on Coupling ISPH Method and ASI-Gauss Method


本稿では,安定化ISPH 法およびASI-Gauss 法の基礎理論と粒子-はり要素連成モデルについて説明した後,開発する連成解析手法の計算フローについて述べる.最後に,開発手法を用いていくつかのベンチマーク問題を解き,その妥当性を検証する.

In this research, we developed a partitioned FSI analysis method with a coupling stabilized ISPH method and ASI-Gauss method aimed for tsunami and buildings interaction problems. For transmission of physical quantities between fluid and structure domains, we adopted a particle-beam element interaction model based on Improved Explicitly Represented Polygon (IERP) wall boundary model. According to the numerical results simulating a free falling square column member into a water obtained by the developed method, it is confirmed that the balance between buoyancy and gravity, and rotation angle of the floating member at equilibrium state can be reproduced.

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