A profile of Takashi Matsushima



博士(工学) (Ph.D. Engineering)
筑波大学 教授 (Professor, University of Tsukuba)
システム情報系 (Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems)

【担当教育組織】 (Schools in charge)
-工学システム学類(College of Engineering Systems)
-構造エネルギー工学学位プログラム(Department of Engineering Mechanics and Energy)
-システム情報工学研究群(Graduate School of Systems and Information engineering)

Areas of Interest

- 粒状体力学/粉体物理 (Mechanics and Physics of Granular Matter)

Although granular materials are everywhere in our daily life, their collective mechanical behavior is still unknown. For example, steelmaking is one of the essential industries, in which the mixing process of iron ore particles and coke particles is essential to the quality of the resulting steel, but it is mostly based on empirical method. We also do not know how to avoid the segregation of two particles of different sizes. Many statistical physicists are thinking that the collective behavior of such grains can be well described by statistical mechanics as thermodynamics can be, but such attempts are still on the way.

- 惑星表層進化 (Evolution of Planetary Surface)

Geomaterials on solid planetary surfaces exist in the form of particles of various sizes and shapes. They must leave traces of their evolution history. Understanding the mechanics of granular materials helps a lot to pursue this interest. Comparison between planets of different environment provides insights of the surface evolution of the earth. It is also useful to guess surface environment of other planets far away from the earth, which is quite fascinating, isn't it?

- 地盤防災工学 (Sediment-Related Disaster Mitigation)

We live on ground composed of geomaterials, natural materials whose properties differ in different places and different depth. Therefore, when we build a structure on it, we need to carry out in-situ mechanical tests to confirm that it can support the structure safely. Sediment-related disasters such as slope failure and debris flow due to torential rain and earthquake-induced ground liquefaction take place where sufficient in-situ tests have not been conducted or cannot be conducted. Understanding mechanics of granular matter helps us to evaluate how the material properties change due to external disturbance. Also, understanding evolution of planetary surface enables us to roughly estimate the ground properties without in-situ tests.

Publications and Achievements

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