西尾研究室 筑波大学 Advanced Infrastructure Systems
Nishio Lab., University of Tsukuba


2024年度秋学期が始動しました!9月にはWang Sifanさんが、無事に最終審査を通過して博士の学位を取得しました。
The autumn semester 2024 is just started!
In September 2024, Mr. Wang Sifan awarded his PhD degree.The title of thesis is "Video-based Structural Damage Detection and Localization during Earthquake by extracting Nonlinearity in Structural Dynamics". Congratulations!
ホームページの「Research 研究内容」を更新しました。メンバーの最新の業績を反映しています。([more]を開くと業績リストがみられるようになっています。)
We have just updated some contents in this HP. Please find publication lists from our members, that can opened from "more" in "Research" page.
Mr. Taisei Saida (D2 student) received Poster award in the 2024 Summer Student Symposiun organized by JSCES. Congratulations!
We welcome two new members, and start the spring semester 2024! In March 2024, master students and undergraduate students in AIS lab have successfully completed their dissertation and attended the graduation ceremony. We would like to introduce the titles of dissertation by students of AIS-Nishio lab below.

[修士論文 Master thesis]
- 点群による既存橋梁FEモデリング自動化に向けた薄板構造シェルモデル構築に関する研究
Shell model reconstruction of thin-walled structures from point cloud data toward automated FE modeling of existing steel bridges
- 点群デジタルツインに向けた深層学習による形状補完およびメッシュフリー解析
Deep learning-based shape completion and meshfree method toward point cloud digital twin
- Physics-informed neural networkによる地盤変形解析に関する研究
Study on ground deformation analysi by physics-informed neural network

[卒業論文 Undergrad. thesis]
- UAV橋梁点検のための損傷リスクを考慮した経路最適化計画と仮想空間内3Dモデルでの検証
Path planning for UAV bridge inspection considering damage risk and verification using 3D model in virtual space
- 土木構造物の数値解析におけるモデルパラメータ不確定性の考慮に関する調査研究
Survey study to consideration of model parameter uncertainties in numerical analysis of civil structures
Now, we welcome a new PhD student, and start the autumn semester 2023!
In August and September, some graduate students in our lab took their research presentations at JSCE annual meeting in Hiroshima, EVACES in Milan, and IWSHM in Stanford.
Now, we welcome four new members, and start the semester 2023! In March 2023, master students and undergraduate students in AIS lab have successfully completed their dissertation and attended the graduation ceremony. Congratulations! We would like to introduce the titles of dissertation by students of AIS-Nishio lab below.

[修士論文 Master thesis]
- 高次元不確定性を扱う構造信頼性解析を効率化するガウス過程ベース代替モデル構築
Gaussian process regression-based surrogate modeling for structural reliability analysis with high-dimensional uncertainties
- 局所損傷の影響を考慮する鋼部材耐荷力解析のための画像ひずみによるデータ同化
Data assimilation by digital image correlation strain measurement for load-carrying capacity analysis of steel members with local damages

[卒業論文 Undergrad. thesis]
- PINNによるリアルタイム構造振動解析とARでの可視化
PINN-based real-time structural vibration analysis and AR visualization
- 衛星SAR変位解析による橋梁モニタリングの検討-和歌山県六十谷水管橋を事例として-
Application of satellite SAR interferometry to structural health monitoring: a case study of the water pipe bridge in Wakayama
西尾研究室の中溝智也さんが、土木学会AI・データサイエンス データ賞を受賞しました。おめでとうございます!
Mr. Tomoya Nakamizo, master student in our lab, received Intelligence, Informatics and Infrastructure Excellent Data Award, JSCE. Congratulations!

表彰をうけた中溝さんの実験データはJ-STAGE Dataで公開されています。
The data from the experiment conducted by Mr. Nakamizo are available on J-STAGE Data operated by JST.
Link to【J-STAGE Data】
西尾研究室のMuhammad Rashidさんが、2022年度9月に修士論文を完成させて修了式を迎えました。おめでとうございます!
Mr. Muhammad Rashid, one of members of AIS-Nishio lab, has successfully completed the master dissertation and attended the graduation ceremony in September 22nd. Congratulations! All members just start new semester from October.

We would like to introduce the title of dissertation.
[修士論文 Master thesis]
- System Fragility Analysis for Seismic Risk Evaluation of a Complex Highway Bridge Structure
西尾研メンバーを含む筑波大学チームが、2nd International Competition for Structural Health Monitoring (IC-SHM 2021)にてHonorable Mentionの表彰をうけました!この国際学生コンペティションは、スマート構造工学に関する国際学会 Asia-Pacific Network of Centers for Research in Smart Structures Technology (ANCRiSST)の主催で実施されたもので、地震後の建物損傷を画像から判別し評価する深層学習システムを構築しました。
Team of University of Tsukuba including members of AIS-Nishio lab receiced the Honorable Mention at an international student competition IC-SHM 2021 organized by ANCRiSST! The members achieved good results in constucting deep learning networks for segmentation of post-earthquake building damages from UAV image data.

Competition website: http://sstl.cee.illinois.edu/ic-shm2021/
We welcome new members, and start new semester 2022.
Master students and undergraduate students in AIS lab have successfully completed their dissertation and attended the graduation ceremony. Congratulations! We would like to introduce the titles of dissertation by students of AIS-Nishio lab below.

[修士論文 Master thesis]
- Study on bridge structural member detection and segmentation based on deep learning technology

[卒業論文 Undergrad. thesis]
- 物理偏微分方程式を考慮する機械学習PINNの地盤圧密解析への適用
Application of Physics-informed Neural Network to ground consolidation analysis
- 3次元点群データからの薄肉構造部材のFEモデル構築に関する研究
Study on FE modeling from 3D point clouds of thin-walled structural members -->
Mr. Taisei Saida (Master student) received the presentation award in the JSCE Applied Mechanics symposium.
ホームぺージを公開しました。We open the website.