Experimental and Analytical Estimation of Measured Dynamic Force Obtained by Air-Slide Type Impact Test System


 本研究では,試験体を破断にまで至らせることなく,その材料が本来許容する吸収エネルギを精度良く計測可能な新しいタイプの衝撃試験 機を開発し,その計測値の評価を実験・解析の両面から実施した.試験機の衝突部には,空気膜を発生させることにより摩擦を極限にまで抑えた'エアスライド'を用い,衝突部と試験体が衝突している間の速度を光干渉計で計測し,その運動量の変化より動荷重値を計測する.本試験機を用いることにより,弾塑性変形を伴う材料の衝突時の正確な吸収エネルギを計測可能となった.本論文では,簡単な動的3点曲げ試験を実施し,その結果を有限要素解析結果と定量的に比較し,試験機の性能評価を行った.

This paper describes a new type of impact test system using the Air-Slide that has less friction force generated between its moving part and the guide way. Dynamic force acting on a test piece is evaluated by measuring the velocity-time history of the moving part by an optical interferometer. Some cases on dynamic three-point bending tests for pure Aluminum bars are carried out. The dynamic force is estimated by both the proposed experimental way and the finite element analyses. Although a slight deviation between the results related to the fixed condition can be observed, the results show the validity of the test system especially for observing the material behavior under spontaneous unloading.