
Blast Demolition Planning of Buildings with Different Span Numbers Using Variance of Key Element Index


 本稿では,スパン数の異なる複数の10層の建物に対し, KI に基づいた発破箇所選定及び乱数を用いた無作為な発破箇所選定を行う.次に,その選定結果を基に発破解体解析を行い,解析結果から発破柱数と残存物の高さの和の関係,および建物の外周部への部材の飛散距離と残存物高さの和の関係を調査する.これらを比較することで,解体効率と解体時の安全性を考慮した発破解体計画手法を検討する.なお,発破解体解析には崩壊解析において実績のあるASI-Gauss解析コードを用いた.

In this paper, a blast demolition planning of buildings using variance of key element index, in which the contribution of a column to the strength of the buildings can be numerically evaluated, is described. The purpose of this research is to seek a blast demolition planning scheme that improves the efficiency of demolition and considers safety during demolition. By conducting collapse analyses using the ASI-Gauss code and by observing the scattered distance after the demolition, the relationship between the number of removed columns for blast demolition and the height of remains after the demolition, the safety and the efficiency of blast demolition of buildings using variance of key element index is investigated. We compared the results between the buildings of different span numbers.

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